Republican Vacancy Committee meeting minutes – Lening selected to fill commissioner seat
December 1, 2020, 7:00 pm
Eads Methodist Church
The Kiowa County Republican Party is hereby called to meet at the above place and time to make an appointment to fill a Republican vacancy in the office of Kiowa County Commissioner District 1.
- Call to order by Chairman Terry Laird
- Pledge of Allegiance – Chair Laird
- Invocation – Louis James
Appointment of Parliamentarian – Rules Committee Chair Louis James will read the rules for this meeting and serve as parliamentarian.
- Nomination speeches shall be limited to 3 minutes with no more than 2 seconding speeches of 1 minute each.
- Candidate speeches shall be limited to no more than 5 minutes.
- Nominations shall be made by a vacancy committee member. Seconds are not necessary and may include people other than committee members if desired.
- All election of the vacancy committee shall be secret ballot if there is more than one candidate. Election shall be a majority vote of those members present and voting. Balloting shall be repeated until a majority vote for one candidate is reached, and no nominee shall be removed from any subsequent ballot unless such nominee voluntarily withdraws.
Appointment of Tellers – Nancy Walker and Dale Butler
Minutes Committee – Amy Schmidt and Marci Miller
Credentials Committee Report – Secretary Dawn James
- 10 of the 11 members are present. Quorum is 6 members, so quorum is declared.
Nominations in order drawn prior to the meeting. Speeches by the candidates followed each of their nominations.
- Nomination for Howard Votruba – self nominated
- Nomination for Garold Deines – Amy Schmidt, second by Sharon Scott
- Nomination for Mike Lening – Marci Miller
- Nomination for Kevin Davis – Ken Flory
- Nomination for David Walker – Raina Kliesen
After hearing no other nominations, a motion to close nominations was put forward by Flory, seconded by Votruba. Motion carried.
Voting was done by secret ballot with Michael Lening receiving the required 6 votes to constitute a majority.
Lening then addressed the committee, thanking them for their support and pledging to do his best to serve the county in this position.