Solitary Activities to do Outside While Social Distancing
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, social distancing has become a necessary measure to help stop the spread of the disease. As a result, much of the population has spent a considerable amount of time cooped up inside. However, just because you are social distancing, that doesn’t mean you can’t go outside. There are many activities you can do in the outdoors without increasing your risk of catching COVID-19. Here are some enjoyable solitary activities to do outside while social distancing.
Bird-watching is a relaxing hobby that is beloved by many. Requiring very little equipment, such as binoculars and a notepad, bird-watching can be enjoyed by nearly anyone. Simply head outside and keep your eyes peeled for some birds. To make the activity more exciting, study up on some of the common bird species in your area and see if you can identify them based on their appearance, song, and other characteristics.
Going on a hike is another way to get in touch with nature while social distancing. Hiking in unpopulated areas allows you to enjoy the fresh air as well as health benefits such as lowered blood pressure, reduced anxiety, and a strengthened core. When hiking, make sure to stick to trails where there aren’t many other people, and always keep at least six feet of distance between you and any other people you encounter along the way.
Spring is a season of growth, which makes now the perfect time to start a garden. Planting a garden is a rewarding and relaxing outdoor activity. Plus, you’ll get the added benefit of some delicious fresh food or beautiful flowers as a result of your work. While starting a garden may be intimidating if you’ve never done it before, there are many plants that you can grow that don’t require a ton of attention or gardening experience. Examples of easy-to-grow plants for first-time gardeners include tomatoes, basil, sunflowers, radishes, and pansies.