Tech Jobs That Don’t Require a Degree
If the pandemic lockdowns have shown the world anything, it’s that the tech field is secure. When states and cities all over the country closed businesses, it was those in the tech field that carried on. They already had the infrastructure in place to send their employees home where they could continue working remotely. Granted, there were some layoffs, but tech companies are proven to be pandemic-proof and are where you want to be for job security. Don’t worry if you don’t have a degree in computer science but still want to break into the field. There are many tech jobs that don’t require a degree at all.
Computer Support Specialist
Computer support specialists help troubleshoot computers and monitor the networks. A remote specialist works in a call center, answers questions, and tries to solve customer problems and walk them through the solution. Customer support specialists also help people install new software and hardware. They have experience troubleshooting common problems with computers and programs.
Junior Data Analyst
The primary duty of a data analyst is assisting upper-level analysts with cleaning, retrieving, and organizing data. They also perform data entry activities in databases and help process data for customers. You can often teach yourself the necessary skills for this job, including learning a coding language and teaching yourself how data differs in different industries.
Computer Programmer
Computer programmers use various computer languages to write, update, and troubleshoot existing programs. They read over existing code to look for bugs and problems that affect the performance of the program for the end-user. Being well versed in many different coding languages is vital for success in this job.
Web Developer
There are three kinds of web developers: front end, back end, and full-stack. Front end developers work on the part of a website that the public sees, while back end developers work on the part that operates behind the scenes, such as application function and integration. Full-stack developers work on both ends, and they can do it all. Coding schools are a great place to learn the various coding languages and the basics of how to code.
SEO Analyst
A search engine optimization (SEO) analyst is an entry-level tech job that doesn’t require a degree. An analyst researches keywords and creates content for customer websites. They use internet tools to find appropriate keywords and analyze how they are ranking. SEO is an up-and-coming field that continues to grow.