Thoughts, Things and Trivia by Jack
Prayers and condolences are in order for those who are facing major health issues. May the Good Lord bless them with the necessary assistance to help overcome the situation and give peace, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
The movie “Sound of Freedom” brought up memories that I had seen during my travels; starving kids with protruding bellies, skin and bones, too weak to brush the flies away from their mouth, nose and ears. These kids were refugees from drought-stricken areas, areas of civil conflict or areas controlled by drug cartels. Kids are at the bottom rung of the hierarchy, men would starve them, abuse them verbally, physically or sexually, most of the time, local government would cast a blind eye. Probably the most sickening treatment of kids was in the northeast part of Africa, where opposing factions would recruit kids as young twelve years old, give them a meal, a weapon and teach them how to operate the weapon, send the kids off to a fire fight knowing that the kids most likely would not survive. If the mainstream media liberals and social media trolls experienced any one of the afore mentioned events, maybe they would understand why kids need help to get out of a sad environment.
The traffic has increased dramatically on both US40 and US287, especially trucks. The posted speed limit is too slow for most drivers. Safety and “Rules of the Road” are not on the agenda of today’s drivers. The most flagrant violators are drivers of vehicles with Texas license plates. There used to be one to three state patrol troopers per county, now there is a trooper in Lamar. One must be highly alert and observant to safely commute.
Last week, I went to Eads for groceries and fuel. For the return trip, I opted to take the county roads instead of US287. I went across country through the Prairie Queen area to Wild Horse, everything was green and lush, standing water all over the land. The row crops are behind the normal growing period. The depression by the old AT&T landline booster station is filling up, should be a good location for hunting waterfowl. The water hole is on private land, and you will need permission of the owner to enter the land. During the mid-20th century this the ideal place for shooting ducks, some said it was better than the Eads Lakes.