Thoughts, Things, and Trivia by Jack – January 17, 2024
Last column, I said that the weather during the stock show was a good predicter of the rest of the season. If verification is desired, check the undercoat of your critters around the neck and shoulders, if the undercoat is thicker than usual and appears to start matting, be prepared for an extended cold spell. Martin Luther King Day: temperature at 2 degrees, wind at 20 miles per hour, and humidity at 47 percent - not a good day to be out and about.
Save the date: card party at the Wild Horse school house is scheduled for Sunday, January 21, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. Please bring a dessert, a salad, or a side dish. Ham sliders and chips will be provided. $1.00 buy in. Come and enjoy the camaraderie that always prevails.

The 2020 COVID 19 stay sheltered brouhaha has impacted the ability to recover the serenity of the rural environment, and has upset the camaraderie of a community. ECCOG’s Project SMILE (Shared Moments in Living and Eating) offers senior citizens hot meals and a chance for socializing. Wednesday, a local group presents breakfast and the noon meal at the Kit Carson Community Center. Hugo VFW has a “Breakfast with Veterans” on the first Sunday of every month.
Quilts have an interesting history that dates to the Antebellum when slave women would quilt to supplement their bedding. In general, quilting is a communal activity; it is also a hobby.
There are three quilts in the Wild Horse School. There is a quilt in the Old Depot Museum in Kit Carson made by the ladies of Aroya that lists those who served in the military from WWI through WWII including Gold Star families.
Last Wednesday, there was a “Quilts of Valor” presentation at the Kit Carson School when Mary Rhoades, with help of the Senior Class, presented a quilt to four military veterans. Ms. Rhoades is a member of the Colorado Prairie Quilters in Haswell.
The Quilts of Valor Foundation was organized in 2003, and has 580 groups scattered across the nation. Quilts equal healing and say, “Thank you for your service and sacrifice in serving our nation.” At the end of 2023, 373,394 Quilts of Valor were awarded and recorded.