Top Tips for Hunting When the Weather Gets Cold

Top Tips for Hunting When the Weather Gets Cold

Feature Staff

When the temperature drops, it’s not a sign to hang up your hunting gear for the season—it’s a sign that you need to get creative. There are plenty of ways you can still enjoy your favorite hobby as the seasons shift. Read on to discover the top tips for hunting when the weather gets cold.

Wear the Right Gear

Clothing is a tricky element of cold-weather hunting. You want to choose clothes that will keep you warm, but you can’t restrict your movement too much. The first step is to put on an insulating layer, followed by a set of long underwear. Depending on how cold it is, you can either add a layer of wool or skip straight to your camouflaged outerwear. And, of course, make sure you adequately cover your head and feet.

Additionally, high-quality mittens that flip open are great for keeping your fingers warm but ready when you need access to your trigger.

Keep Your Blood Flowing

The longer you stay motionless, the colder you’ll get. That insulating first layer works best when your body is moving, so try to stand rather than sit. Be sure to flex all your joints as you wait, stretching every body part you can think of to stay limber. If you’re hunting with a bow, make sure you stretch that every so often, too.

Be Prepared for Hunting at Night

Hunting at night can be a cold version of the hobby, no matter what time of year you go out. For that reason, you need to follow the previously mentioned tips, but you should also bring along a night hunting light. With this light, you can scan for predators—you will know you have one in your sights when the light picks up their reflective eyes.

Now that you know these top tips for hunting when the weather gets cold, layer up and get out your weapon. It doesn’t matter what the temperature is—you can still have a great time as long as you’re thoughtful and careful.