
Town of Cheyenne Wells government payments - September 2023
TOWN OF CHEYENNE WELLS APPROVAL OF BILLS FOR ALL FUNDS The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, September 18, 2023, by Mayor Kara Uhland. Cheyenne Wells Trustees Present: Mayor Pro-tern Carleton Pelton, Zach Anderson, Karen Gregg, Sherry Jones, Mark Galli, and Rex Hyle. Staff Present: Town Clerk Administrator Debbie Knudsen, Deputy Clerk Karen Miller and Town Superintendent Aaron Crum. The Bills for All Funds were approved upon motion from Trustee Hyle and seconded by Trustee Anderson. All ayes, motion carried. GENERAL FUND | |
Payroll | $14,299.44 |
Debbie Knudsen, Supplies | $358.28 |
Black Hills Energy, Utilities | $20.85 |
Century Link, Telephone Service | $341.05 |
Cirsa, Insurance | $10.04 |
County Health Pool, Insurance | $2543.80 |
Econo Signs, Signs | $812.60 |
Deni Eiring, Municipal Judge | $300.00 |
Kugler, Street Maintenance | $520.00 |
McDonald Equipment, Sweeper Repair | $4,057.66 |
IRS, Withholdings | $6063.54 |
Aflac, Insurance | $97.52 |
Amanda Brown, 2022 Audit | $7,885.80 |
C&K Oil, Repairs | $950.84 |
Cheyenne Wells Grocery, Meal & Supply | $42.69 |
Edward Jones, Retirement | $766.88 |
J.P. Cooke, Dog Tags | 112.85 |
K.C. Electric, Utilitiese | $2,333.01 |
Debbie Knudsen, Mileagee | $52.40 |
Office Works, Duplicatinge | $113.69 |
Peterson Smith Hardware, Painte | $180.23 |
Rebeltec, Internete | $289.85 |
Red's Auto Parts, Partse | $340.28 |
T&B Sanitation, Trash removale | $174.75 |
Uni First, Maintenancee | $SO.OD |
Wildcat Drilling, Suppliese | $24.51 |
Cheyenne Wells Lumber, Water Fountainse | $3,387.84 |
WATER FUND Payroll | $9135.26 |
Betty Martin, Refund | $200.00 |
Paul Halde, Refund | $25.00 |
Serena Hendrickson, Refund | $75.00 |
Allan Smith, Refund | $75.00 |
Krystal Tallman, Refund | $36.54 |
Schlosser Cement, Refund | $25.00 |
Mark & Mary Snyder, Refund | $75.00 |
CW Recreation Association, Water Donation | $1,137.76 |
Colorado Analytical, Water Sample | $306.10 |
Black Hills, Tower | $20.85 |
County Health Pool, Insurance | $1,225.20 |
Office Depot, Supplies | $314.63 |
Karen Miller, Supplement | $373.20 |
Post Office, Postage | $111.69 |
Smith Construction, Repairs | $7,900.00 |
IRS, Withholdings | $6,063.54 |
Town of Cheyenne Wells, Postage | $44.27 |
Colorado Analytical, Testing | $20.70 |
Edward Jones, Retirement | $278.51 |
Freedom Repair, Test | $116.00 |
Mark Galli, Refund | $120.00 |
Interstate Chemical, Chlorine | $1,177.85 |
KC Electric, Pump Power | $5,200.34 |
Kemp's Well, Water Repair | $1,504.44 |
Rebeltec, Internet | $69.95 |
Town of Cheyenne Wells, Petty Cash | $60.00 |
Town of Cheyenne Wells, Water Payment | $30.00 |
PUBLIC WORKS RESPEC, Engineering | $682.50 |
I, Deborah G. Knudsen, Town Clerk/Treasurer, for the Town of Cheyenne Wells, do hereby certify that the above bills are a true and complete copy, as record of this office. | |
Deborah G. Knudsen CMC MMC Town Clerk Administrator |