Town of Eads April Meeting Minutes
Town of Eads Board of Trustees Meeting April 12
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Eads Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Baxter, Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall. Robin Fox, Town Clerk, took roll call:
Mayor – Marilyn K. Baxter- present
Trustees – Present – Justin McLoud, Dennis Pearson, Terry Riley and Joe Shields
Absent- Andrew McCracken, and Larry Gifford
Town Clerk- Robin Fox –Present
Assistant Clerk- Shealynn McCracken-Present
Director of Public Works- Van Brown- Present
Audiences/Public Comment Period – Town Fire Chief, David Kraft, asked the board’s approval of a new fire department applicant, Regan Sneyd (Lane). He also spoke to the board about how Tyler McCracken will be moving over to the Sheridan Lake Volunteer Fire Department, since he moved to Sheridan Lake. David also explained on what he knew about the Fire District, in which Cindy McLoud spoke up and explained that they need members for the board, preferably past fire fighters. The fire board is the one who will send the petition for the fire district to the state.
Consent Items Joe Shields moved to approve the minutes as amended, Terry Riley seconded it and the motion carried.
Approval of Bills – The finance committee reviewed the bills prior to the meeting. Dennis Pearson moved to approve payment of the amended bills in the packet, as well as, the “Bring up bills” presented at the meeting. Justin McLoud seconded the motion and it carried.
Old Business:
Notice of Cancellation of Election- Marilyn informed the board that the election was cancelled.
Use Tax- Shealynn explained to the board about the use tax and the information she found. The board asked to put something in the paper to help educate the public and Justin McLoud also asked to be consistent. During the discussion, the board also decided to give Love’s Travel Stop pre-approval on their building permit, but with Van’s approval on the new changes needed. Dennis Pearson moved to pre-approve, Justin McLoud seconded, the motion passed.
Management of Unity Village: Marilyn explained to the board how there will be new management for the Unity Village. The new management is Tri-County Housing, and there will need to be a new contract written up between the town and them. Joe Shields suggested an Agency Contract.
New Business:
Swearing in the New Mayor and Town Council Members- Previous Mayor, Marilyn Baxter, swore in the new mayor Joe Shields. Joe Shields then swore in the new town council members, which consisted of Dennis Pearson, Justin McLoud, Terry Riley, Larry Gifford, and Kathy McCracken.
Prom Donations- Joe brought up how the Eads High School Senior Class came to the town to ask for an after prom donation. The town gave a $100 donation in previous years. Dennis Pearson moved to donate $100 to the after prom, Terry Riley seconded, the motion carried.
Bring Up Items: The board asked that the vacancy for a Town Council Member be put in the paper for 3 weeks.
The board also decided to vote on Mayor Pro-Tem. Justin McLoud nominated Dennis Pearson, Terry Riley seconded, and the motion carried.
The board re-appointed the Town Judge and Town Clerk. Kathy McCracken moved to re-appoint Judge Jeff Campbell as the Town Judge. Dennis Pearson seconded, the motion carried. Justin McLoud moved to re-appoint Robin Fox as the Town Clerk, Kathy McCracken seconded, and the motion passed.
With nothing else to come before the board the meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
Joe D. Shields, Mayor
Shealynn McCracken, Assistant Clerk