Town of Eads Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes – July 10, 2018
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Eads Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Shields, Tuesday July 10, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall. Robin Fox, Town Clerk, took roll call:
Mayor – Joe D. Shields- present
Trustees – Present – Justin McLoud, Kathy McCracken, Terry Riley, Dennis Pearson, Lisa Trigilio, and Priscilla Waggoner
Absent –
Town Clerk- Robin Fox –Present
Assistant Clerk- Shealynn McCracken-Present
Director of Public Works- Van Brown- Present
Audiences/Public Comment Period
Minutes- Justin McLoud moved to approve the minutes as amended. Terry Riley seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Bills – The finance committee reviewed the bills prior to the meeting. Kathy McCracken moved to approve payment of the bills in the packet. Priscilla Waggoner seconded, the motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Building Permit Variance Agreement- The board discussed the variance agreement that was tabled at the last meeting.
New Business:
Walter Bates- Mr. Bates was present at the meeting to request the board to give him approval to put a car port on a utility easement. The board discussed, and asked Mr. Bates to call in to locate local utilities before making a decision.
Building Permits- There were two building permits presented to the board. Priscilla Waggoner moved to approve the building permits, with a variance agreement for the property on Rittgers and 13thStreet. Kathy McCracken seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Chip Seal- The Director of Public Works explained the chip seal project.
Playground-The Town Clerk gave details about the playground equipment purchased. Priscilla Waggoner moved to approve the purchase, Dennis Pearson seconded, and motion passed unanimously.
The Director of Public Works also asked if the town could go out for bids to remove the old playground equipment. The winning bid pays to take out the old playground equipment. The board agreed that would be fine.
Robin Fox left the meeting at 5:30 p.m.
Audit- Amanda Brown, the town auditor, presented the 2017 audit to the board. Lisa Trigilio moved to approve the audit, Terry Riley seconded, motion passed unanimously. Kathy McCracken moved to hire Amanda Brown as the town auditor, Terry Riley seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Pool- The Director of Public Works gave an update on the pool revenue this year, and attendance has been low. The board suggested putting out more advertisements, and possibly institute incentives to get children to go to the pool.
Enforcement Officer- The Director of Public Works requested the board to designate one person as the Code Enforcement Officer. The board declared that Director of Public Works, Van Brown, be the Code Enforcement Officer.
Bring Up Items:
Weed Letters- Dennis Pearson asked if weed letters have been sent. Director of Public Works stated they would be.
Wissel Property- Lisa Trigilio asked the status of the Wissel Property. The Assistant Town Clerk stated that the Town Clerk had sent an email to the town attorney but hadn’t heard back yet.
USDA Loan- The Assistant Town Clerk brought up the possibility of getting the USDA Loan refinanced through a different loan agency. This in return could lower the interest rate. The board decided to table this matter until they get more information.
Rural Philanthropy- Priscilla Waggoner inquired about the possibility of having a work session. The work session would be to decide what the town board would like to do for the town in the future. The Town Clerk will send out an email asking for future plans for Eads.
Adjourn- Terry Riley moved to adjourn the meeting. Priscilla Waggoner seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Adjourned at 6:45p.m.
Joe D. Shields, Mayor
ATTEST: Shealynn McCracken, Assistant Town Clerk