Town of Eads Board of Trustees meeting minutes – May 14, 2019
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Eads Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Shields, Tuesday May 14, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. Shealynn McCracken, Assistant Town Clerk, took roll call:
Mayor – Joe D. Shields- present
Trustees – Present –Kathy McCracken, Terry Riley, Dennis Pearson, and Meghan Buck
Absent – Justin McLoud and Lisa Trigilio
Town Clerk- Robin Fox –Absent
Assistant Clerk- Shealynn McCracken-Present
Director of Public Works- Van Brown- Absent
Foreman- Jesse Deines-Present
Audiences/Public Comment Period
Minutes- Terry Riley moved to approve the minutes as amended. Meghan Buck seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Bills – The finance committee reviewed the bills prior to the meeting. Kathy McCracken moved to approve the payment of the bills. Dennis Pearson seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
No Old Business
New Business:
Employee Raise- The Foreman asked the board if they would give Trenton Rittgers a $1 an hour raise for obtaining a CDL. Terry Riley moved to approve a $1 an hour raise for Trenton Rittgers for obtaining a CDL. Kathy McCracken seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Agreement with Lamar- The Assistant Town Clerk informed the board about the sample agreement in their packets to see if they want to make an agreement between the Town of Eads and City of Lamar building inspector for cases when needed. Dennis Pearson moved to make the agreement between the Town of Eads and City of Lamar. Kathy McCracken seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Fireworks- Terry Riley and the District Fire Chief A.J. McCracken were present to ask the board for a donation for Fireworks. Dennis Pearson moved to give $3000 towards fireworks and everything they make over $800 in donations comes back to the town. Meghan Buck seconded.
Roll Call Vote:
Dennis Pearson–Yes
Kathy McCracken-Yes
Meghan Buck-Yes
Terry Riley-Abstained
Animal Permit- The Assistant Town Clerk notified the board about two animal permits received. Kathy McCracken moved to approve the two animal permits. Meghan Buck seconded, and motions passed unanimously.
GMS- The Assistant Town Clerk updated the board that a motion was needed to have GMS recorded as the Town of Eads official engineer. Meghan Buck moved to make GMS the official town engineer. Kathy McCracken seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Bring Up Items-
Dennis Pearson inquired if any weed letters had been sent out. The Assistant Town Clerk stated that as far as she knows there has not been any sent out, but would talk to the Town Clerk and Director of Public Works about it.
Terry Riley stated that he has been getting complaints about the dumpsters, and how they have not been getting dumped. The Foremen and the Assistant Town Clerk informed Terry that if the dump is not open due to rain, snow, or wind, then the town cannot pick up trash. The Foreman also stated that the town has a no trash left in the trash truck policy, so if the dump is closed they cannot pick up trash. Terry Riley also asked about what the town is doing in regards to people from out of town dumping trash in the dumpsters. The Assistant Town Clerk stated that there is a fine for illegal dumping.
Joe D. Shields, Mayor
Shealynn McCracken, Assistant Town Clerk