Town of Eads Trustees - February 9, 2016 Minutes
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Eads Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Baxter, Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall. Robin Fox, Town Clerk, took rollcall:
Mayor – Marilyn K. Baxter- present
Trustees –Present –Justin McLoud, Dennis Pearson, Larry Gifford and Joe Shields
Absent- Andrew McCracken, and Terry Riley
Town Clerk-Present-Robin Fox -Present
Director of Public Works- Van Brown- Absent
Audiences/Public Comment Period –PricillaWaggoner was present to represent the Kiowa County Independent Newspaper.
Consent Items –Joe Shields moved to approve the minutes, Justin McLoud seconded it and the motion carried.
Approval of Bills–The finance committee reviewed the bills prior to the meeting. The board agreed not to renew their membership with Ports to Plains but did approve the payment of the KCDEF membership dues. Justin McLoud moved to approve payment of the amended bills in the packet as well as the “Bring up bills”presented at the meeting. Joe Shields seconded the motion and it carried.
Old Business:
No old business
New Business:
Election- Robin informed the board that petitions can be picked up on February 16th for the 2016 municipal election. All six trustee’s positions as well as the Mayor’s position are up for election this year. Mayor Baxter informed the board she will not be seeking re-election.
Unifirst- The board decided to continue with the Unifirst clothing contract until it is up for renewal.
Web Site-The decision whether or not to set up a new website was tabled until more information could be obtained.
Bring-Up Items- A motion to amend Ordinance 399 to correct a number was made by Dennis Pearson. Joe Shields seconded the motion and it carried.
With nothing else to come before the board the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
Marilyn K. Baxter, Mayor
Robin Fox, Town Clerk