USDA Update – January 26, 2021
- 2021 ARCPLC signup – begins October 13 - ends March 15, 2021
- LFP – Signup ends January 30, 2021
- CRP General CRP signup #56 - January 4 - February 12
Disclaimer: Information in this UPDATE is pertinent to Kiowa County FSA only. Producers reading this and that do not have FSA interest in Kiowa County are advised to contact their local FSA Office.
The snow covering the ground on Monday morning was a welcome sight, Eads received couple of inches, west of Eads received four to five inches. Will take snow any day over wind and blowing dirt; hopefully more moisture to come.
Nadene Gaynor, who retired in 2014 was hired back as a part-time temporary and started work last week. She will be an asset in the office since she already knows her way around the office, is familiar with local producers and most importantly knows the FSA ‘lingo’.
The office has received notification that the 2018 WHIP+ applications are good to be approved and payments can be issued. Producers who have signed the application and returned it to the FSA Office will be receiving payment later this week. The WHIP + or Wildfire Hurricanes Indemnity Program added two additional causes of loss: of drought and excessive moisture for 2018 and 2019 losses. Kiowa County qualified due to the D3 drought conditions the county experienced, during the 2018 crop year.
Producers who received over $600.00 from USDA during tax year 2020 should be receiving their 1099 in the mail this week. Once you look over the information and have discrepancies; please don’t hesitate in contacting the office. Producers should receive a 1099 for each county they receive USDA payments.
The NRCS office personnel have begun completing the field inspections on fields that are set to expire September 30, 2021 to determine the number of grasses and forbs present. This information will assist producers in determining how to re-offer the land for the N1 - wildlife factor.
The FSA Office sent producers with expiring contracts the following information either through email or USPS last week. The information was sent to the operator of the CRP contract. The information sent was:
3 fact sheets -
- TIP or Transition Incentive Program
- EBI or Environmental Benefits Index
- CRP #56 General Signup
- This information was specific to each tract. The information will show the EBI points for this tract with a basic 20 point – N1 score. The only two factors producers are able to change are the N1 and N6 factor, the balance of the other factors are computer generated.
TERRA report - This will reflect the annual rental rate per acres, conservation priority areas the land Is within and soil information.
Producers need to review the information that was sent and once the field assessment is completed, FSA will forward that to you so that you can decide on how to submit an offer. If once you look through the information and will NOT be submitting an offer, please contact the office ASAP.
One change to procedure which is effective for this and future signups is cost share assistance available for enhancements.
Example: Producer Bob submitted an offer 10 years ago with a 50-point N1 wildlife EBI factor and upon NRCS field assessment after the time of acceptance determined that an enhancement would have to take place to meet that 50-point N1 factor. The enhancement was completed, and cost share was paid. 10 year later, 2021 NRCS completes a field assessment and determines that there are only 3 native grass species and no forbs present. If the producer submits an offer during signup #56 with an N1 factor of 50 points cost share assistance WILL NOT be available due to the fact the 50-point cost shared enhancement done 9 or 10 years ago was not maintained. Producers in this situation will receive no cost share assistance for enhancement if the offer is accepted for another 10-year contract.
Be reminded, the 2018 Farm Bill changed the ARCPLC rule that after 2020 crop year an election can be made every year on an eligible farm. The deadline for 2021 ARCPLC election is March 15, 2021.
2020 PLC projected rates are as follows:
- Wheat - .65
- Barley - .35
- Corn and grain sorghum, -0-
- Sunflowers - .0045
2020 ARCPLC payments are issued in October 2021.
Make plans now to attend virtually - the CSU 2021 Drought Preparation on Tuesday, February 2, 2021. There will be presentations from legal, technical, and planning professionals from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. and grower led discussions from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. You can rsvp to droughtadvisors@colorado.edu or register on the following link - https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYscu2hrzkoHtDj3CL3u_nBWsGXuQmJx-s1