USDA Update – September 14, 2021
- SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 – CRP SIGNUP 56 - Deadline to sign Conservation Plan
- SEPTEMBER 20, 2021 – CRP GRASSLAND SIGNUP 203- Deadline for one producer on the CRP contract to sign the interim conservation plan.
- NOVEMBER 15, 2021 - 2022 Fall acreage certification date.
Disclaimer: Information in this UPDATE is pertinent to Kiowa County FSA only. Producers reading this and that do not have FSA interest in Kiowa County are advised to contact their local FSA Office.
COVID-19 UPDATE - The USDA Service Center received instructions last week that all customers visiting any Service Center will be required to wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status.
Charla worked hard that last couple of weeks to get producers certification maps with multiple farms ready to be picked up here at the office for fall certification. November 15, 2021 is the deadline for fall acreage reporting. Fall planted wheat and perennial grasses and alfalfa must be reported to either your crop insurance agent or FSA by the November 15th deadline date.
NRCS is down to the final few accepted offers that need producer signatures on the Conservation Plans. Contracts cannot be approved until the producer completes their portion of the paperwork which includes the Conservation plan. NRCS has contacted all parties either by email, phone or both.
Few reminders for accepted offers –
- Offers are scheduled to become an approved CRP contract on October 1, 2021.
- No practices can begin until after October 1, 2021 when the offer becomes an approved contract.
- FSA does not allow succession-in-interest to offer, unless death of the participant occurs. Producers who are currently working with a realtor on selling CRP acreage; closing on the property needs to occur after October 1, 2021.
- FSA and NRCS are emailing or mailing participants missing paperwork. Its vitally important producers pay attention to their email and USPS mail. If you receive an email or envelope; open it and complete the attachments or contents ASAP.
FSA was notified late last week that all but 5 offers were accepted into the CRP Grassland Signup #203. This office had a total of 252 offers, which makes 247 offers that were accepted. CRP Grassland contracts will start October 1, 2021.
FSA reached out to producers with accepted offers Monday morning to determine if they wished to move forward with the offer. Producers who wish to move forward with the offer will be contacted by NRCS to obtain one signature on the interim conservation plan before Friday, September 17. The producer can return the signature by email, fax or drop box.
FSA and NRCS has ALOT of work that must be completed before Friday, September 17 and October 1 for these offers. It’s imperative that when producers are notified by either FSA or NRCS that responses are timely and that any needed paperwork is returned completed.
By having producers sign an interim conservation plan, this will allow NRCS until December 17 to complete the final conservation plan. NRCS will be conducting site visits and doing an inventory of the existing grasses to determine stocking rates for the conservation plan. NRCS will be contacting producers to obtain all signatures on the final plan. The final plan will be the last opportunity for producers to ‘opt out’ of the CRP contract without liquidated damages being assessed.
Few reminders for accepted Grassland offer –
- FSA does not allow succession-in-interest to offer, unless death of the participant occurs. Producers who are currently working with a realtor on selling CRP acreage; closing on the property needs to occur after October 1, 2021.
- Partial acreage withdrawals are not allowed.
- Offers are scheduled to become an approved CRP contract on October 1, 2021.
- CRP payment limitation of $50,000 per person applies to CRP Grassland contracts.