About Town – August 9, 2021
Psalm 85:8 “I will listen to what God the Lord says.”
Last Monday, cars lined Eads’ Maine Street day and evening with people attending the annual 4-H Exhibit Day in the new senior center. How wonderful! How different from in my early 4-H experience when we went to exhibit day in Towner, Sheridan Lake, Chivington, Haswell, Plainview, and the Kiowa County fairgrounds! By the evening show, there were no chairs left and standing room only, but it was good. County extension agent Tearle Lessenden and his assistant, Krystal Eikenberg, did a superb job of arranging the day and program. When I complimented Tearle, he said, “Krystal did most of it.” Gloria Trosper’s 20 young Cloverbud members really added to the 4-H memorial scholarship fund by selling their good baked goods during the food auction that Rob Morlan was the auctioneer for. There were several 4-H members over age nine who also brought canned goods and baked goods. Three percent of the auction price goes to the fund and the rest to the member. Later the 4-H office will report on the winners. In the meantime, Alexa Nelson will be modeling her garment in the State 4-H Fashion Show. We are grateful to Phil Pollreis for donating his valuable sound system, microphones, and music to the center.
Our communities offer sincere sympathy to the Glenn Smith family, Garret and Jena and Parker, Logan, and Mariah, and the extended families of Tracy Smith. Tracy was a beloved wife and mother, and she was a beloved beautician to hundreds of people for whom she beautified during her career. A community member wrote the most beautiful tribute about how Tracy’s life affected so many lives of people in southern Colorado. Having her funeral in the large Christian Church in Lamar was appropriate for her friends in Eads and her hometown of Holly family and friends. I am still tearful from this loss of Tracy. But we who are going to Heaven can so look forward to seeing her again.
The photos of Tony Acuna and Marty Miller reveal many happy memories of the Maine Street Bash which, in the beginning, was topsy-turvey because of the terrible wind, but by 11:00 a.m. and for the rest of the day, was nice. I especially like to remember all those pretty and unusual cars and cycles in the show that the brother-sister team of Karl and Krystal Eikenberg arranged, and the happy children in the grassy Kid’s Zone that was arranged mainly by Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center board member Claire Prince, and Tina Adamson and Liz Hulteen. Actually, it was nicer for the children than on the pavement. Thank you, Lord, who brought the wind for a while. All day the music was so lovely and the fellowship of people visiting, eating yummy foods was memorable. We especially thank CLCEC board members, Betsy Barnett, Mary Vasquez, Kim Richards, Terry Riley, Marty Miller, Connie Shotton, Alicia James, and Claire Prince, and other valuable volunteers.
School began in Eads this week. Last Thursday was the open house and Education Association’s annual ice cream sale to earn money for the scholarship fund. It is such a pleasure to see the parents and young students having fun on the playground. We pray for a good, pleasant school year for our precious youth.
We do appreciate the photos of Gloria Peck and the last four quilts she has done for Quilts of Valor with the recipients, Areta Blooding-Laird and Roland Sorensen, local veterans, and two veterans associated with her granddaughters: Klaci Peck’s husband, Tim Green, and Leisha Peck’s fiancé, Mike Walsh of Eads. Gloria’s effort and caring is even more meaningful because she has been battling pancreatic cancer this year. She is an admirable woman whom we have much respect for for her many years of dedication to this county and people.
Friends are invited to send happy 90th birthday cards to Liz Rehfeld, formerly of Sheridan Lake, who now lives in Cheyenne Manor. The address is 561 W. 1st N., Cheyenne Wells, CO 80810. She was very involved in the 4-H and county fair programs while raising their four children. She is a remarkable woman of many artistic and homemaking talents!
Many complements have been stated about our local Cobblestone Inn because it has been such a blessing to this community to have fine rooms and service. The local businessmen and women who organized the Inn hoped to have overnight rooms for folk who came here for weddings, funerals, and events. My niece, Kristi (Griswould) Hirsch and her pastor husband travel weekly to many parts of the United States in his position. Phil was very impressed with all the good features of our local Cobblestone. It is excellent quality compared to other places they have experienced.
Justin McLoud, Eads High School golf coach, took Brentley Lening, John Brown, Aaron Musgrave, Colin Nelson, Brennan Framel (of Kit Carson) to La Junta August 6, and this week to Fowler. Locals can watch them golf in Eads August 27.
We had such a tasty brunch last Thursday at the senior center. We are looking forward to the buffalo burgers that Brett Rusher sent us from his ranch in South Dakota at noon August 18.
Citizens, please read and consider the recent letter from the Commissioner’s office and plan to attend the public meetings in Eads August 16 at 6:30 p.m., Plainview School August 19 at 6:30 p.m., or in Haswell August 24 at 6:30 p.m.
Everybody needs a friend.