USDA Update – September 28, 2021
- OCTOBER - CRP annual rental - 2020 ARCPLC payments to be issued. More information will be available in next week’s article.
- NOVEMBER 15, 2021 - 2022 Fall acreage certification date.
- DECEMBER 1, 2021 - Noninsured Assistance Program (NAP) application for coverage deadline - native grass
- JANUARY 30, 2022 - 2021 LIVESTOCK FORAGE PROGRAM signup deadline.
Disclaimer: Information in this UPDATE is pertinent to Kiowa County FSA only. Producers reading this and that do not have FSA interest in Kiowa County are advised to contact their local FSA Office.
COVID-19 UPDATE - The USDA Service Center received instructions last week that all customers visiting any Service Center will be required to wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status.
FSA offices will begin the October payment cycles next week. The first cycle will begin on October 4 with the TIP (Transition Incentive Program) payments. The second cycle will be the release of the 2020 ARC- county and PLC payments. The third and final cycle will be the balance of the 2021 CRP annual rental payments the week of October 12.
If producers have not received their respective payments by October 20, please contact the office.
Disaster Assistance for 2021 Livestock Forage Losses
Producers in Kiowa County are eligible to apply for 2021 Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) benefits on native pasture. Due to the extremely heavy CRP workload; Kiowa County will be delaying accepting applications for LFP until late October. In the coming weeks, the UPDATE will give more information regarding producers applying for 2021 LFP.
LFP provides compensation if you suffer grazing losses for covered livestock due to drought on privately owned or cash leased land or fire on federally managed land.
Land must be certified on FSA-578. Any ground not certified as of July 15, 2021, will require a $46.00 late fee.
County committees can only accept LFP applications after notification is received by the National Office of qualifying drought or if a federal agency prohibits producers from grazing normal permitted livestock on federally managed lands due to qualifying fire. You must complete a CCC-853 and the required supporting documentation no later than January 30, 2022, for 2021 losses.
Agricultural producers who have not yet completed their crop acreage reports after fall planting should call the office and make an appointment or drop off your completed maps before the applicable deadline.
An acreage report documents a crop grown on a farm or ranch and its intended uses. Filing an accurate and timely acreage report for all crops and land uses, including failed acreage and prevented planted acreage, can prevent the loss of benefits.
How to File a Report
The following acreage reporting dates are applicable for Kiowa County:
November 15, 2021 - all Fall seeded crops, i.e., Wheat, Triticale.
Because of the pandemic, some USDA Service Centers are open to limited visitors.
To file a crop acreage report, you will need to provide:
- Crop and crop type or variety.
- Intended use of the crop.
- Number of acres of the crop.
- Map with approximate boundaries for the crop.
- Planting date(s).
- Planting pattern, when applicable.
- Producer shares.
- Irrigation practice(s).
- Acreage prevented from planting, when applicable.
- Other information as required.
Acreage Reporting Details
The following exceptions apply to acreage reporting dates:
- If the crop has not been planted by the acreage reporting date, then the acreage must be reported no later than 15 calendar days after planting is completed.
- If a producer acquires additional acreage after the acreage reporting date, then the acreage must be reported no later than 30 calendar days after purchase or acquiring the lease. Appropriate documentation must be provided to the county office.
Producers should also report crop acreage they intended to plant, but due to natural disaster, were unable to plant. Prevented planting acreage must be reported on form CCC-576, Notice of Loss, no later than 15 calendar days after the final planting date as established by FSA and USDA’s Risk Management Agency.
Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) policy holders should note that the acreage reporting date for NAP-covered crops is the earlier of the dates listed above or 15 calendar days before grazing or harvesting of the crop begins.