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Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary January 2017 Meeting


By Doris Lessenden

The next Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary meeting will be February 14th at 11:00 a.m. for lunch in the J J’s Ranch House dining room.  The new officers, Alice Glover, President, Madonna Pollreis—Vice President, Doris Lessenden—Secretary, and Treasurer-–Loretta Seibel were elected at the January meeting.

Members of the Auxiliary meet every second Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. at the JJ’s Ranch House.  January is the traditional month for members to pay their $5.00 dues.  However if women or men want to be non-active members for $10.00 that would be great and this would help the Auxiliary to do more to be of service to the hospital and ECU (formerly the nursing home),   however persons may become members anytime of the year.  Our main fundraiser is the November Bazaar. 

Some of the activities we do during the year is to buy live plants for the patio, host the January Bingo party for the residents, host a Fashion Show near Mother’s Day and Root Beer Floats for Father’s Day and donate to the Christmas Stocking project.  Some of the items we have bought during the years are bed spreads, chairs, window treatments, games, pay Eads Buck for Christmas Door Decoration Contest and other items.  We try to work closely with the Activity Director for her projects and such events as the annual Thanksgiving Dinner, and other special events and dinners.

In January the Auxiliary were very pleased to receive a donation of $618.00 from the Eastern Slopes Rural Telephone Association.  Another donation of $100.00 in Memory of Elden Reinert was given.  Whenever a donation of $100.00 or more is given in memory of a person, the Auxiliary has a gold name plate engraved for the glass display in the Hospital entry way.  Monetary donations and donations of a person’s time are both valued