Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary Plans Bazaar
By Doris Lessenden
The Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary is planning their annual Fall Bazaar for Saturday, November 19th. This Fundraiser will be at the Community Building at the Fair Grounds in Eads beginning at 9:00 a .m. to 2:00 p.m. The Director of the Bazaar, Linda Trosper, reported that she already has had several women who have requested table space. She is collecting items for the Annual Drawing which is helpful to raise funds for the Auxiliary who donates funds for the activities and beautification of the hospital and ECU (nursing home). Through the years, they have bought such things as furniture, bedding, wall paper, flowers plants, and entertainment for the residents and patients. Mrs. Trosper reports that Charlie and Mary Vasquez will serve lunch and morning foods. The Auxiliary ladies invite everyone to take time to come shop at the lovely holiday booths, look around and visit.
Recently they bought a new supply of gifts and favors to make resident’s birthday parties more special. Residents who have November birthdays are Ruth Anna Jacobs and Marie Lang. Activities Director, Teri Castle, announced that the Annual Pre-Thanksgiving dinner for Residents and their families and community friends will be Sunday, November 13th at the Multi-Purpose Room at the high school at noon. Community members are asked to call the hospital to RSVP so the Dietary Department can prepare the main dishes. Guests are asked to bring desserts or side dishes.
People who would like to join the Auxiliary as active or inactive members are invited to the meetings on the second Tuesday of the month at JJ’s Restaurant at 11:00 a.m.
According to the President Madonna Pollreis the next meeting is November 8th.