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Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary July meeting notes

PROMO 660 x 440 People - Doris Lessenden
Doris Lessenden

The members of the Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary met at JJ’s Restaurant for lunch and their monthly business meeting July 8. The meeting was chaired by Vice President, Madonna Pollreis. Betty Crow read the minutes, and Loretta Seibel’s treasurer’s report was given. Tonya Lane, Weisbrod staff member reminded, us that we do not call the “nursing home” the Extended Care Unit anymore. The current correct terminology is “Swing Bed South.”

Linda Trosper told the ladies about how she collected three neckties each from Dr. Tom Davis, Tim Weeks, and Glenn Smith to place on display on the quilt rack. People said they really liked this idea. We thank Linda for all the work she goes to in collecting or borrowing pretty quilts for residents and staff to enjoy in the dining room.

Tonya said that the residents have enjoyed the trailer rides and the “pushes” around the block for outings. They really like to go to Maine Street for ice cream cones. Tonya had small fireworks on the patio for the residents. Some of them could see the fireworks display at the fairgrounds, so that made July 4 more special.

People are invited to join the Auxiliary as regular members for $10, or inactive members for $5 dues. Our main fundraising project is the November Bazaar.

We welcome members to join on the second Tuesday of the month at 11:00 JJ’s Restaurant in Eads.