Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary meeting notes – April 13, 2021
Since Jennifer of JJ’s Restaurant had a medical appointment, the ladies of the Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary met April 13 in the home of Doris Lessenden.
Activity Director Tanya Lane related about the many activities planned for Hospital Week May 9 to 15. The members voted to increase the amount they give to Tanya to buy plants for the patio and flowerpots. She was complimented for how pretty the painted rocks looked last year and now that the plants have dried. Tanya said the ladies in the lab and the dietary painted most of the rocks. They also painted rocks for each resident. The Extended Care Unit now has increased to 15 with three new residents who will be included in the fun of dress days, planting flowers, races, crafts, and will end in the annual Community Barbeque May 15 at 5:00 p.m. in the patio.
We are hopeful that the new awning and the metal plaque in memory of Renee Woods and Eldon Reinert will be up by the barbecue. Members volunteered to buy bags of gifts for resident’s birthday.
The ladies were delighted to see the gorgeous May Baskets that Debbie Kliesen made for us to give to the residents. Debbie made a cone shape of a hymnal page which she filled with delicate silk pastel flowers with nosegays of ribbon rosettes that had handles of lace and pearls. For Mother’s Day, we will buy carnations that Tanya will arrange in small vases for their dinner trays.
Alice Glover brought about 18 doilies and table clothes she had crocheted for Linda Trosper to arrange for display in the dining room. Linda spends a lot of energy and time borrowing lovely hand-crafted items to display for the pleasure of the residents. It was announced that the Health Fair will be May 7 and 8 at the school in Eads.
The next meeting will be May 11 at 11:00 a.m. in JJ’s Restaurant. Ladies and gentlemen are welcome to attend and have lunch with us as we plan more future projects.