Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary November 2019 news and notes
The Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary meeting had a packed agenda at their November meeting. Those attending were Alice Glover, Madonna Pollreis, Loretta Seibel, LaVerle Kelley, Cleta Englehardt, Linda Trosper, Diana Flory, and Doris Lessenden along with Activities Director Tonya Lane.
Linda gave details about the November Fall Bazaar, to be held November 24, that all 37 and a half spaces were filled, with five names more on the waiting list. The Prairie Queen 4-H Club will serve the lunch of soups and sandwiches. The ladies volunteered for the tasks to carry out the Bazaar. This is the 40thyear of the Hospital Bazaar. Vendors are expected from Colorado Springs, Kansas, Lamar, Cheyenne Wells and other places.
We will have a gold name plate engraved in memory of Pansy Mosher Foxworthy for the entrance lobby display case. This is done when $100 or more is donated in memory of a person.
Auxiliary gave $150 to Tanya Lane to buy gifts for resident’s red Santa Socks.
The annual $1 Bingo night, sponsored by the Auxiliary, will be January 142020. The residents normally get 25 cents when they win playing bingo, so getting a dollar is a special prize to them. Refreshments are served on this evening also.
Men or women are invited to join the Auxiliary to work with us to make life more pleasant at the nursing home and hospital.
Readers are welcome to come to meet with us on the second Tuesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at JJ’s Restaurant in Eads.