Wyoming 211 connects callers with health insurance help and more
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(Wyoming News Service) A Wyoming helpline connects callers to a variety of health and human services, including help with health insurance during open enrollment.
Olivia Schon, deputy director of Wyoming 211, said the service fields 20 to 30 calls a day. Specialists then connect callers with appropriate resources from a database of nearly 3,000 options, ranging from small nonprofits to state and federal programs.
Schon pointed out the top issues people call about are rent and utility payment assistance programs, food insecurity and transportation to health providers. She noted initial conversations often unveil more areas in which the caller can use assistance.

"We average four times the amount of referrals going out based on phone calls coming in," Schon reported. "They call with what their first issue is and then they leave with more than one solution to other problems that they also have going on."
When callers need assistance enrolling in health insurance, they're connected with Wyoming 211's "sister program," Enroll Wyoming. Open enrollment starts Friday.
The rate of health insurance enrollment in Wyoming through the marketplace has increased 75 percent since 2020, according to KFF. In a round of federal funding announced in September for health insurance navigators, Enroll Wyoming received a $1.5 million grant to continue offering its services for free.
Caleb Smith, marketing director for Enroll Wyoming, said making important decisions around health care can be intimidating.
"It doesn't hurt to have somebody who's on your side," Smith explained. "Who's willing to act as an advocate for you to make sure that you have your questions answered, that you have what you feel like you need to be able to make an informed, empowered decision."
Wyoming 211 is available by dialing 211 from any phone in the state.