Your Story: In the Beginning – Hammer Family History Part 11
© KiowaCountyPress.net / Chris Sorensen
Ernie Hammer is a long time Kiowa County Press contributor. This story is written by Ernie’s Aunt Liz, Elizabeth Katherine (Hammer) Smith Benatti, based on her memories and family research. The story begins in Germany with Oswald Hammer and Margarethe Marie von Barsewisch, Liz’s parents. Liz passed away at the age of 104. She was living at the Kohart Home in Kit Carson at the time of her death. Part 10 can be read here.
Homestead Life (conclusion)
When Oscar was eight years old he was farmed out as a chore boy for Charlie Melbreur who was a miner at the Davis Franceville Coal Mine. He was responsible enough to watch the Melbreur’s children and do chores around the farm and house. Oscar remembered it as a sad time because he was away from his home and siblings. He was paid his room, board and $1.00 per month. The dollar went to his mother. Elizabeth was also sent to be a companion to the Turner’s daughter, Emily. It was supposed to be a convenience for Elizabeth so she could attend high school in Fountain. It also meant one less mouth to feed at the homestead. Then finishing eighth grade the Melbreurs moved to Colorado Springs. By then, Gerhardt had a mail route from Drennan and circling south of Drennan to Hanover.
During his many years as a mail carrier in his little Ford speedster, he had many hair raising experiences during blizzards, heavy hail and rain storms with severe lightning and thunder. Sometimes he would get stuck and have to carry the mail sacks to the nearest farm house. He would get pulled out and go on his route and be ready for the next day’s work. He took on the first school bus route for Drennan District #3. Oscar drove the bus for him while he was doing his mail route and then they farmed a little.
After the Franceville school closed and the mine completely shut down, Oscar left the Melbruers and went to work for Gerhardt who was now the established mail carrier-picking up his mail sack from Mr. Axer at Drennan. Mr. Axer would finish his motor route back to Colorado Springs and Gerhardt would go east to the Love Ranch or more broadly called the Crow’s Roost. Then his route to Squirrel Creek-to Hanover-to Chico Basin south to the Holmes Lakes and circled back to Drennan where he left his mail.
Henry, William and Gertrude what shall I say? What a time I had with you. Before you went to school you thought I was an old mother hen and you three were the three little chicks. Everywhere I went you went too, because the big boys didn’t want you around unless mother made the older boys take you with them. If this happened then I had Gertrude to play dolls with or read to her or someplace she wanted to be taken to.
Gertrude had to be put into her big box, and old tea chest from China “Pap” picked up somewhere and toted home. It was a life saver though. Gertrude could not climb out of it.
Henry, you were not to eat those worms I put in the can to feed to the setting hens. William, you weren’t supposed to pull the plants up I had just planted. I surely was overjoyed when you all three were ready for school. Didn’t you end up enjoying getting away from me? But if you were glad to go to school you weren’t so sold on the chores you were expected to do without my help. Yes, you were weaned from my helping you for so long.
Next week – Prairie Schools
Summarized by Janet Frederick
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