Youth activities: ‘4-H is more than you imagined’
Have you ever thought of joining 4-H or even what 4-H might consist of? 4-H is ramping up in the Southeast Area as enrollment is just around the corner.
When thinking about 4-H and what it might include we need to divert our attention from livestock being the primary focus, as 4-H is so much more. Within Colorado 4-H there are over 100 general projects. They range from sewing and cake decorating to robotics and engineering, as well as gardening, woodworking, and shooting sports just to name a few. Members are encouraged to explore any and all projects that interest them.
Throughout the 4-H year, each member will give a demonstration during a club meeting, complete a record book for their projects, design a display board or standalone element with their project, engage in a community service project, and attend club meetings. Members will gain valuable knowledge when researching and working on their chosen projects. Members learn to ask questions of and listen to advise from mentors in both the community and other 4-H members. These projects provide the members with skills that will last them a lifetime.
Within Colorado 4-H, we offer multiple conferences and camps to expand leadership development skills and resilience. These camps and conferences foster the development of self-esteem, independence, and confidence in each member. The members learn how to handle adversity and gain wisdom through experiences.
Colorado 4-H also offers several contests, ranging from livestock judging to FCS Skill-a-Thon, Hippology, prepared speaking, and Parliamentary procedure. These contests contribute to positive life skill development of members and encourage them to be engaged with their peers and community. Contests provide opportunities for members to demonstrate the skills they have acquired. These contests have been shown to increase members communication and critical thinking skills and allow the member to be able to defend their decisions.
Each and every 4-H Specialist is available to help guide members and assist them in any way they can. Regardless of a member’s choice of project, 4-H is open to everyone!
For more information on joining 4-H, contact your local Extension Office:
- Baca County 719-523-6971,
- Bent County 719-456-0764,
- Cheyenne County 719-767-5716,
- Crowley County 719-267-5243,
- Kiowa County 719-438-5321,
- Otero County 719-254-7608, or
- Prowers County 719-336-773.
Find us on the web at: http://sea.extension.colostate.edu/