Things To Know Before You Buy a Serrated Knife

Picture this: You’re in the kitchen, preparing to make your next meal with your trusty knife. Or you’re out camping, and you need a knife to baton your firewood. Which knife is best? Sometimes, a smooth blade just isn’t enough to handle the variety of tasks you encounter. That’s where a serrated knife comes in handy.

But before you run off and buy one, it’s important to understand the key elements of this type of blade. That’s why we’ve put together a list of things you need to know before purchasing a serrated knife.


Storm energizes backers of California bill on climate-resilient schools

(California News Service) As the waters recede from the biggest storm to hit southern California in decades, lawmakers in Sacramento are considering a bill Wednesday to make schools more resilient. Senate Bill 394 would require the California Energy Commission to create a statewide plan to help school districts integrate climate resilience and sustainability into their master plans. 

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