2024 Kiowa County Fair Open Class Recap
© Chris Sorensen / KiowaCountyPress.net
I frequently hear the comment, “I’m sure you’re relieved that Fair is over.” However, the reality is that I truly enjoy Fair. I love being out among the spectators, rodeo competitors, volunteers, and Junior Livestock Members as they compete. The long hours we put in during that week don’t even register because I’m constantly thinking, “This is what I love to do.” I recognize that none of this would be possible without the countless volunteers who come together to make the entire event a success!
First and foremost, I want to highlight the Kiowa County Fair Board: Fair Manager Donna Adame, Chairman Cody Fox, Vice-Chairwoman Tabatha Ferris, and Directors Kip Peck, Areta Laird, Mikaheal Rogers, and Trent Rittgers, along with board volunteers Gary Wollert and Tyler Hainer. The Junior Livestock Show and Sales run seamlessly thanks to this incredible team working behind the scenes. I appreciate all your support, keeping me grounded and guiding me when I feel lost. Committee Chairman Tim Trosper, Vice-Chairman Rod Cole, and members Junior McDowell, Mark & Michelle Nelson, Nathanial & Holly Mitchek, FFA Instructor Justin Lenox, Show Booth helper Nancy Walker, and CSU Kiowa County Extension Specialist Tearle Lessenden – your efforts make my job enjoyable, and I eagerly anticipate our time together in September.
This year, we had 78 exhibitors and over 625 entries for Open Class Entries, resulting in an Eads Bucks Premium Ribbon Payout of $2,663.00 for Open Class, 4-H, and Junior Livestock. From gardening, field/crops, and art to photography, antiques, baked goods, food preservation, flowers, quilting, fancy works, and 4-H projects, our community showcases some remarkable talent! I’m thrilled that these individuals share their hard work with us once a year, and I hope more people will become interested and participate next year.
The fair is a significant undertaking for the Fair Board and all their volunteers. The Open Class Exhibit Hall Volunteers are equally essential, and it takes a great deal of effort to ensure everything runs smoothly. I want to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to our Open Class Volunteers, who dedicate their time to set up, clean, and organize the Hall and Exhibits.
I appreciate all our Open Class Volunteers and Judges:
- Baked Goods: Judge- Abby Weber, Superintendent- Alice Glover, Clerks- Cleta Engelhardt, Peggy Miner, and Colin Nelson
- Food Preservation: Judge- Abby Weber, Superintendent- Debbie Gooden, Clerk- Vickie Rogers
- Fancy Works, Quilting, and Clothing: Judge- Lorri Arnhold, Superintendent- Kathy Specht, Clerk- Dana Brown
- Art, Photography, Hobby, and Nursing Home/Sheltered Care: Judge- Vickie Nestor, Superintendent- Kemma Alfano, Clerk- Reona Eikenberg
- Antiques: Judge- Vivian Day, Superintendent- Areta Laird, Clerk- Theresa Yates
- Flowers: Judge- Alicia Downing, Superintendent- Amy Weirich, Clerk- Keilee Fagan
- Garden and Crops/Fields: Judge- Katie Kopasz, Superintendent- Terry Laird, Clerks- Bobbi Jo Lord and Charlie Prince
- Ages 0-18 Exhibits and Hobby: Judge- Amber Comer, Superintendent- Zelpha Deines, Clerks- Claire Prince and Jaden Eikenberg-Self
If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering for the Kiowa County Fair Exhibit Hall, please call the Extension Office at 719-438-5321. Now is the perfect time to gain knowledge and experience from our dedicated volunteers who have been involved for many years.
Gloria Trosper, our 4-H Concession Stand Manager, thank you for keeping everything running smoothly and for the countless hours you invest during the fair!
Kemma Alfano is the best office support and Open Class volunteer. She dedicates nearly as much time as I do during the fair, and I truly couldn’t accomplish half of what I do without her. THANK YOU!
I extend my gratitude to the community and all fairgoers for your support, and I look forward to seeing you at the 2025 Kiowa County Fair and Rodeo!