5 Great Health Benefits of Going Outside This Summer
It’s finally that time of year when we can come out of hibernation from the long winter and get some sun. With Netflix and video games at our disposal, avoiding the outdoors is easy—but you should try and get outside as much as you can, especially since winter will return soon enough. Learn about the great health benefits of going outside this summer.
Improved Mental Health
Mental health problems such as anxiety and depression can have very harmful effects on one’s daily life. Studies show that spending time outside can actually improve your mental health, and it’s also a healthy way to deal with stress relief. So plan a walk and get some fresh air after a long day.
Better Vision
Another health benefit of going outside is better vision, especially in young children. This is one of the many reasons schools provide recess periods for kids to play outside. Make sure your children aren’t spending their summer break inside playing video games and watching TV.
There are many fun outdoor activities in which you and your family can participate to stay active this summer. Spending time outside allows you to not only have some fun, but also work toward your personal health goals.
Nutrient Absorption
Going outside is essential because of our need to absorb important nutrients from the sun. The long winter months can keep you inside for several months out of the year, so now is the time to get your natural vitamin D. Nutrients such as vitamin D are incredibly important for the human body because they can help fight off many illnesses, from cancer to osteoporosis. Just make sure you wear sunscreen while you’re out in the sun this summer.
Healthier Immune System
If you’re trying to avoid illness of any kind, just go outside. While there are many ways to improve your immune system, going outside could be the easiest. Research shows that exposing yourself to the outdoors and spending time around forest environments can help keep you from getting sick. A strong immune system will keep you safe and healthy.