5 Things to Know this Benefits Enrollment Season
(StatePoint) Benefits open enrollment season can be a confusing time for many employees. But rather than make decisions you don’t feel confident about, take a bit of extra time to become better informed. Luckily, these days, there is a wealth of resources available online, and getting your questions answered is easier than ever, according to experts.
Here are five reasons insurance professionals say you should take your benefits conversation online.
1. Benefits explained in plain language. Of course, you can bring your questions to your human resources team, but you may get responses that are difficult to process or in language that can create more questions than answers. You might have a better conversation online, using free tools like DuckChat, a new 24/7 platform provided by Aflac, offering relatable and easy to understand answers to some common benefits enrollment questions. DuckChat helps users with topics such as enrollment, benefits options, providing insights that will help you better understand how insurance works. Best of all, you do not have to be an Aflac customer to use the service. To learn more, search for the Aflac Duck in Facebook Messenger or visit Aflac.com/DuckChat. Aflac DuckChat is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a solicitation.
2. Access around the clock. The truth is that many employees are not making important benefits decisions during working hours. Seeking out information about your benefits online can help you find solutions while the questions you have are still fresh in your mind, when you need them most.
3. Gives you more control. Get empowered to make the right choices about coverage for you and your family. There is nothing worse than entering a new year unsure of your coverage or coasting by with a plan that will not fully protect you if you are hurt or sick. A whopping 92 percent of those surveyed in the Aflac 2017 Aflac WorkForces Report, said they are not moved to try anything new. Instead, they often sign up for the same benefits year after year. Getting expert tips online can help you assess how your benefit needs have changed and how policies have changed, which could lead to you and your family being better protected.
4. Faster Answers. Benefits enrollment is already frustrating and stressful for many people. Make the process of having your questions answered the least of your concerns. By going online and having your questions answered via a chat service, you may be able to bypass sitting on hold or navigating a complicated a phone tree system.
5. Bite-sized information. One of the best parts about having your benefits questions resolved online is that you can receive crucial information in writing and in digestible, bite-sized chunks. That way you can break it down and not have to flip through hundreds of pages of information that may actually create additional confusion.