About Town – August 29, 2022
“Dear Friends, let us love one another…” I John 4:7 (NIV)
The Colorado State Fair began in Pueblo Friday, but many exhibitors, 4-H members, Future Farmers of America members, vendors, and extension agents have been working and serving at the state fairgrounds last week. Alexa Nelson spent several days there as a senior 4-H member helping after the projects were judged to display them. Michelle Nelson assisted with open class judging. Alexa had the honor and exciting experience to be a model in the State 4-H fashion show, wearing the lovely black peplum jacket she constructed. County extension agent Tearle Lessenden assisted in several areas, as well as a day in the horse show judging.
The State Fair, Camp Tobin, and all those exhibits and venders, rodeos, and musical shows bring back such pleasant memories from the 1950s, 60s, 70s and through the 90s as an exhibitor, mentor to 4-H demonstrations, or judging. When I heard that Michelle and Alexa stayed at Camp Tobin, that brought back a lot of memories of happy days at the state fair. Some last names of 4-H members that pop into my mind from years past are: Peck, Blooding, Kelley, Wissel, Berry, Jacobs, Laird, Griswould, Lessenden, Polleris, Teal, Anderson, Weber, Graham, Spady, Larrew, Nelson, Garner, Ruthhardt, Johnston, Brown, Barlow, Fickenscher, Ellicott, Glover, Negley, Weeks, Weisdorfer, and others.
Shaelynn McCracken was married last weekend to Rustin Robbins of Springfield. Their wedding reception was at the American Legion Hall in Eads. Shaelynn is the daughter of Andrew and Kathy McCracken of Eads. Christina Wolf showed photos to me of the gorgeous wedding cake she baked and decorated for their wedding. Christina said she had other opportunities to bake for people, but her time is really filled because she and Tim are having a new home moved into Haswell on Spencer Street.
How nice to read in both Eads newspapers the results of the 4-H member’s winning awards on their projects at the county 4-H day and the Colorado State Fair.
The children and youth I have talked to are glad to be back in school again. The school hallways and bulletin boards in both schools look so attractive.
Nancy Walker and Jennifer Walker have been working so diligently all summer to keep our schools looking super. We were very pleased when we went to the elementary school to walk on a nice smooth cement walkway that has replaced that old bumpy sidewalk. The children are happy to have swings and slides in the play yard.
We are sorry to lose Ken and Amber Grant’s children, and this dear couple. They are moving to a coastal state nearer to their daughters. Ken will be a pastor in a Baptist church there.
Good news: September 4, the Fun Day rodeo begins with registration of cowboys and cowgirls at 9:00 a.m. By Wednesday at 10:00 a.m., the livestock exhibits are to be in place under the pavilion. Open class exhibits can be taken to the community building from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., or from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. Thursday. Exhibitors: please get those entry forms into Krystal at the Extension Office by September 1.
Thank you, ahead of time, to the adult committee members who will oversee the care and livestock shows. They are Tim Trosper, Chairman, Rod Cole, Vice Chair, Trent Jones, Junior McDowell, Mark Nelson, Michelle Nelson, Nathaniel Mitchek and Holly Mitchek.
Thursday after the Chamber of Commerce breakfast north of the bank, the youth and parents will be bustling around for the showing and judging of 4-H and FFA swine, sheep, beef, and horse classes. Open class is to be in place by 9:00 a.m. for judging. A new rule is that open class exhibits will not be released until 4:00 p.m. The highlight of Friday morning will be the Chamber breakfast and the spectacular .ivestock sale before the beef barbeque. To have a meal Friday and Saturday, one must buy a rodeo ticket since it is free to come in the gate at the fairgrounds. There is a new plan to have a beer garden on the north end of the grandstands. We expect large crowds for these last two rodeos of the summer and since it is also the 105th alumni reunion for Eads High School.
We anticipate a fine parade Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. Stores and the Eads Senior Citizen Center will be opened along Maine Street. In the Center, there is a wonderful art display related to Sand Creek that Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site Superintendent Janet Frederick set up. Also, there will be many tables of items one can bid on for the silent auction.
Thank you to the Kiowa County Fair Board members, who put in many hours each month to plan our fair. They are: David Walker, President; Cody Fox, Vice President; Talli Lane, Secretary; Tabitha Ferris, Treasurer-Vendor Liaison; Areta Laird, Open Class Liaison, and Talli Lane, Horse Race Liaison. Thank you to this fine board.
Another huge thank you ahead of time goes to Tearle Lessenden, Extension Agent, and Krystal Eikenberg, Administrative Assistant, who work to see that the general fair all falls smoothly together.
The three county commissioners, Donald Oswald, Mike Lening, and Butch Robertson, will be at their assigned places, and they have had a hand in these plans, too.
Reining over all these days of festivities is the Rodeo Royalty court: Kiya Leonard, Queen; Braya Ferris, Princess; Braxtyn Ferris, Prince; Selena Fehr, Princess First Attendant; and Ayden Hose, Prince First Attendant.
Coach Trey Eder has a roster of eager players on the Eads football team. They are Jaden Self, Stokton Mitchek, Spencer Uhland, Johnny Vasquez, Keenan Smith, Shane Winder, Connor Woolert, Porter Spady, A. J. Vasquez. Case Nelson, Karsten Buller, Bo Arnold, Brenden Reifeshneider, and Kaiden Dunlap.
Eagle fans can look forward to seeing a home game September 9. At halftime, former Eagle cheer leaders and pompon girls will be invited to the center field to lead the fight songs.