About Town – February 20, 2023
“We live by faith, not by sight.” II Corinthians 5: 7
I always think of Josh Gifford when I hear or read that scripture because that was his favorite verse when he was in high school.
Eastern Colorado looks like a winter wonderland again this week, only we now we are a windswept land after last Wednesday’s storm. Even though many plans, schools, dinners, and meetings had to be postponed, the snow is a real blessing for our land, which has been suffering from drought for several years. We who live here are just used to snow melting faster - like the next day.
School officials had the foresight to take their wrestlers and coaches to Denver Tuesday rather than the usual Wednesday pattern. It was a more costly trip for sportspeople and fans, but at least they arrived in Denver before the highways were closed. Tuesday afternoon, one of our firetrucks led the parade from the school sendoff up Slater Street and down Maine Street for the well-wishers to cheer the County Line Rivals wrestling team, which is made up of young men from Eads, Cheyenne Wells, McClave, and Wiley schools. Then the team bus traveled north to pick up Cheyenne Wells wrestler Chasen Turner and Coach Reagan Lane in Kit Carson. They wrestled in the three day tournament. Eads senior Keenan Smith placed fourth in state in the 157 pound division.
Friends of Sue Fox are planning some fund raising events to assist her with additional cancer treatments. Local Knowledge Bowl team members will be selling tickets for a drawing for a gorgeous quilt made by Carole Spady. The students will be in the Eads High School multipurpose room during the middle school wrestling tournament next week, or send your $20 to the school, 210 West 10th Street, Eads. Dawn James stated that the quilt will be given during the benefit dinner that will be announced later date.
Many children, parents, and spectator adults are really excited that 50 to 60 youth, after auditions, will get to sing, dance, and act in the Missoula Traveling Children’s Theatre for two performances of “Rapunzel.” This is one of my favorite fairy tales. This wonderful company also brings the set, costumes, and lights for what was absolutely marvelous last year for the “Lion King.” This is an absolute dream come true for many of us who love the theatre. Thank you to the Crow Luther Cultural Events Center board and their chair, Betsy (Legg) Barnett, for bringing this fine arts learning chance to us.
Many of us have really missed the broadcast from KLMR since their equipment and building was damaged last year in that wind burst storm. Since the radios I had at home didn’t clearly broadcast KVAY or other stations, I ordered a finer radio, tape, and disc player. Since it was complex, I was glad that young Steve Bates educated me on how to use it Tuesday. I was happy when I heard familiar names of Kit Carson girls playing at Springfield. The Kit Carson girls won, and senior Tess Johnson was named most valuable player! As much as I try to save energy and money, I decided to just leave the radio on for a few days to be sure to hear the sports news. Thursday night, I heard the Eads boys won over Hugo-Genoa. Porter Spady was named the MVP of the Eads Eagles. Friday evening, Dave Weaver on KLMR announced the exciting games of Granada and Eads. Marisa Valenzuela and John Hainer of Granada earned the MVP titles.
Last Thursday, the shocking news was passed through the community that Rob Kelley died suddenly. Rob and Doris lived in the Lakewood area of Denver, but his heart was always loyal to the Eads Eagles. When we would be playing in state tournaments, Rob would always be at those games to cheer for us. Likewise, he really cared about the Kiowa County fair, and was amassing money to help fund the horse races. In fact, he was working and lobbying for the survival of the Kiowa County fair. I used the word “survival” because, even though I think the Commissioners and county have money, we need people who will volunteer to help make it happen.
Let’s remember to support the efforts and projects of each school’s Future Farmers of America organization. This organization and its classes can teach life skills, occupational direction, and leadership.
How nice that Sean Kraft and staff of the Kiowa Pharmacy delivered flowers, boxes of candies, stuffed toys, and gifts to people about town that they had ordered. It was fun for many of us, and brought such pleasure. Thank you for this gracious service, especially since we don’t have a flower shop anymore.
Violet Sneyd and staff at Prairie Pines Assisted Living Community organized and delivered pretty pastel cake pops as a fundraiser for the Pines Auxiliary. Those brought a lot of delight to those who received those tasty treats.
Breanna Echols has opened the Wishing Windmill Boutique in the Kit Carson school store on Highway 287 and Main. Her store has a variety of fashions and accessories Mondays through Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. She can attend her lovely store and still serve drinks, ice cream, and treats while her three children are in school.
The Eads senior citizen noon dinner is Wednesday, February 22.
Shalom, my friends.