About Town – February 21, 2022
“Pray continually.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Forrest Frazee was honored by local quilters Carole Spady and Michelle Nelson following the Haswell senior citizen noon lunch February 16. Carole and Michelle talked about the history of the Quilts of Valor and reason for the importance of the patriotic quilts they design and make for veterans. Forrest Frazee grew up near Haswell, graduated from Eads High School in 1965, and served in the Navy from 1966 to 1992. He served 22 years, 17 of which were at sea sailing all around the world on large ships. Mrs. Spady and Mrs. Nelson placed the gorgeous quilt with a large soaring eagle over a USA flag around his shoulders and thanked him for his many years of sacrifice to defend and protect our nation. The ladies gave him a certificate from the Quilts of Valor Foundation and expressed our gratitude for his years of service. We are proud of our local man, Forrest, and so glad that he returned to Kiowa County and still serves us as our Sheriff. I am glad that Areta Blooding Laird took photos for the Eads friends because we couldn’t be in two places at once on that day. Most of the Sheriff Frazee’s officers attended the lunch and presentation also. Director Wanda Lessenden served entrées of broccoli-cheese soup and chili, with potluck dishes and desserts for their monthly gathering.
The Eads senior citizens enjoyed a taco bar February 16 for their noon gathering. Director Gail Voss cooked a beef-bean filling for tacos with many condiments, salads, chicken enchiladas and desserts, which they enjoyed. President Sylvia Weeks also added pretty crocheted hearts to the centerpieces. We were happy that Henry Pollreis of Denver drove his parents, Phil and Madonna Pollreis, down for the meeting. They also brought a third bookcase down for our center. Madonna was impressed with the new addition of the upholstered chairs that the National Park Service office gave us, along with the rugs. They will be nice for the prom king and queen in April. Jim Collins of Las Animas, who is our Area Agency on Aging Director updated us on happenings to our benefit and interest. We look forward to funds supplying a computer and equipment so there can be video meetings for the six counties at one time and, thus, we do not have to travel long distances to meetings.
During the 2:00 p.m. senior coffee hour last Monday, Whitney Barnett and Holly Mitchek were setting up a table with china, goblets, and silverware for a meal for middle school girls who were invited after school for a lesson on table manners. It was nice to hear the comment by Gail Voss and Areta Laird, “Miss Less taught us that in Home Ec class.” Then the conversation turned to “Why don’t we have Home Ec classes in schools anymore?” That is a good question, in our opinion.
Pam Cole told me that she is retiring this month. I asked her how on earth will they find someone to do her job that she has been doing so well for 30 YEARS. Several women who are already on the staff will carry on her skills. Best wishes to Pam for her improving health and a huge vote of thanks for her good office skills and hospitality for Eads High Schools.
A large group of men and women attended the question-and-answer meeting at the Community Building in Eads Wednesday night. Before the dialog, Charlie and Mary Vasquez served a sumptuous taco bar with choices of three desserts. Dr. Mark Bolton of Keefe Memorial Hospital in Cheyenne Wells and a knowledgeable lady told about their positive experiences in running the hospital and clinics. It was all positive, even though I didn’t understand some of what they were talking about. But this I do know: I visit at Weisbrod at least once a week and sometimes more days a week. We have a good hospital. We have a good nursing home. We have good leaders, and we have a staff who are trying to work together.
At the birthday party of Hazel (Jacobs) Kreuger in Weisbrod February 17, Hazel said, “I never thought I would live to be 98 years old!” She liked her chocolate cake and being with her relatives and friends.
State Wrestling was on the minds of many people last week. At the time of this writing, I don’t know the results, but they all won their matches Thursday.
February 28 is Future Farmers of America Giving Day. This is a nation-wide day when they ask for donations for the program. However, if you would prefer to donate locally, one could send your donation to Instructor, Mr. Justin Lenox, at Eads High School. This FFA program is appreciated and cherished by many former students.
Small groups: it is mentally healthy for people to visit with others. Some opportunities to do this are at the senior centers in Eads and Haswell, or at the “Knowledge Bowl” (coffee) at the Gas and Grill, or at JJ’s Restaurant, or at the Love’s store in Subway and Godfather’s Pizza, or meet at the Maine Scoop Ice Cream store or movie house. Or at the Sheridan Lake Hawk’s Nest or Haswell Propane lobby. The key is to get out of your house and be with people.