About Town – February 6, 2023
“The Lord is my strength and has become my Salvation.”
The highlight of last Thursday for many senior citizens in Eads was attending the senior brunch where Gail Voss, Sylvia Weeks, Joyce Berry, and Areta Blooding-Laird cooked, set out potluck food guests brought, then cleared and washed a lot of dishes. We were pleased to have new guests come. Now we look forward to noon lunch February 15. Seniors are invited to coffee hour each Monday at 2:00 p.m., which includes doing “chair exercises” if one wishes. Some groups meet on different days. One may call Gail Voss or Betty Clark to learn more.
It is never too late to send or give a Valentine card or gift. Please do make someone happy with a greeting from you!
Last Thursday afternoon, there were three school buses from Wiley parked at the Plains Theatre in Eads which brought 100 or more students and teachers to enjoy the movie “The Incredibles 2.” Tim Weeks has been a bus driver for years. He makes the trips fun for the youth, and college students too. Recently, he drove the Wiley team to play basketball against the Deer Trail high school in the Denver Civic Center. Then they had dinner and later attended a Denver Nuggets basketball game.
Saturday morning, there were hundreds of vehicles all around Eads high school, which I learned was for the “Little Eagles” basketball games. It has grown to be a big event. I hope they keep this zest through their high school years.
Monday, there was no school because Eads hosted the regional Knowledge Bowl meet, which takes of all the classrooms and spaces for 22 schools in south, west, and eastern Colorado vying to place in the state tournament. This is all organized by educator-sponsors Dawn James and Sue Fox. This is a huge undertaking for our school and teachers. I am so proud of them.
Honeybelle Dixon was hosted with a birthday party in Weisbod January 31. As I was leaving, I stopped to tell Charlie Crow that Linda (Oswald) Harper had mailed me two jars of her homemade jelly. He had such a big grin and smile when he said, “She mailed me some too.” Linda is so kind and thoughtful. She and Scott have a lot of fruit trees on their property near Great Bend, Kansas.
At the Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center board meeting last week, they heard that they have received four more grants, some have been denied, and they are waiting for others. In the future, we can expect to see some exciting new activity in the two buildings adjoining the theatre. Last Friday, “A Man Called Otto” was shown. It was good, but left me feeling sad, and hoping to be like Otto to give away lots of meaningful gifts. When I left, I had to tell myself I was tough and not be scared when my tires were spinning on the ice when I tried to enter on my ramp. The third try, I prayed, gritted my teeth, and pushed the joystick hard and then entered the van. I miss my friend, Mike Arth, more at times like that, but he moved to the city.
This is Future Farmers of America week. Have you ordered your writing pen that they construct in class? Daily, one can see students and families driving out Highway 287 east to Cemetery Road, where they make two right turns to go to care for their animals at the Ag Farm.
Chandni Merchant’s photo with her fiancé was posted last week dancing on the plaza with the Paris, France, icon, the Eiffel Tower, in the back ground. Chandni was a student in the Eads schools. Now she is a Doctor of Optometry.
These are exciting weeks for the sportsmen and women and their families and fans. I encourage people to go to at least a few games and matches each year. Stay loyal to your school and teams. It is fun to watch the fans, cheers, and happenings. In fact, today, Saturday, I wish I could be in two places - in Ordway to watch the County Line Rivals wrestlers,, and at the Eads gymnasium, where I went to watch the Eads Eagles play Wiley in basketball. There will be a ball game at Cheyenne Wells February 10. Then February 14, there will be a home game with Idalia, and February 16, a home game with Genoa-Hugo. Regional wrestling will be at Rye for two days.
Robin Musgrave was thrilled with how lovely her little dog looked after the new dog groomer trimmed, and combed her dog, Miss Molly. Mandi is my new neighbor, who lives in her grandmother, Janet McKnight’s, home on Kerr Street.
We do need some capable volunteers to help organize and host our Kiowa County Fair. We citizens just cannot let our County Fair die. It is our responsibility to the youth in the Future Farmers of America and 4-H programs, and to families and little children. Let us work together. I want to go to those meetings, but the elevator does not always work, and there is no ramp for disabled people to get to the offices. There is something else that needs to be done in our county!