Flags in front of the Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. The building is surrounded by trees.

Kiowa County government payments - September 2023

Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen

The following vouchers were paid at the Regular Meetings held on September 12th 2023 & September 28,, 2023 to be paid out of the 2023 Budget to wit:
Conservation Trust 
Robert KernLake Clean Up $           150.00 
Dalton McDowellLake Clean Up $           150.00 
Paul StokerLake Clean Up $           150.00 
Kiowa County Fairground Arena Light-Ranahan Electric $      10,000.00 
Allen W WattsLake Clean Up $           150.00 
Town of EadsHorseshoe Park Water $             75.90 
   $      10,675.90 
Plains Printing, INCCounty Fair-Advertising $             53.75 
Donna AdameWinners Tack, saddle towels, silk vest $        1,721.42 
Cobblestone Inn & SuitesHotel rooms Rodeo Announcer/Staff $        3,692.53 
Kiowa County AdministratorStart up Cash $      12,150.00 
Cooper CarlsonJudge $           530.00 
Amber ComerJudge $             96.25 
David CrosslandJudge and mileage $           133.75 
Crow's Stop and ShopBarbeque-Fair $        4,928.45 
Vivian DayOpen Class Judge $             87.50 
Eads Auto SupplyCounty Fair Supplies $             86.73 
Eads Chamber of CommerceCounty Fair Premiums $        2,344.00 
Shellie EngelhardtFair Judge $             50.00 
Marilyn HagansOpen Class Judge $           108.75 
John Deere FinancialLoading Ramp $        6,089.38 
Kiowa County IndependentAdvertising $           590.00 
Katherine KopaszOpen Class Judge $             65.00 
LCC Livestock Judging TeamFair Judges $             96.87 
Michelle NelsonOpen Class Judge $             78.75 
Vickie NestorOpen Class Judge $           105.00 
Abby WeberJudge $           193.75 
Hanagan FarmsFair Barbeque $           700.00 
   $      33,901.88 
Kiowa County Treasurer CG Employer/Employee Benefits  $      16,288.16 
Loyal American Life Insurance CO Elective Benefits  $           284.70 
   $      16,572.86 
Atmos Energy P/H - Gas  $             32.52 
CDPHE PH-Vital Statistics  $           194.00 
Eastern Slope Rural Telephone EPR Phones $52.50 Public Health Phones $104.99  $           157.49 
GN Bank HSA Payable  $           225.00 
Kiowa County Treasurer PH Employer/Employee Benefits/Direct Deposit  $        9,034.46 
Loyal American Life Insurance CO Elective Benefits  $           272.28 
MASA MTS Elective Benefits  $             14.00 
Sharon Mauch CMG Travel/Meeting  $           375.00 
Lisa Thomas CMP Supplies  $           104.91 
Pitstop Oil, LLC CMG Fuel  $             63.80 
Prowers County COVID imm-$242.83, COVID Elcr-7,794.90  $        7,954.32 
S.E.C.P.A. PH/Electric  $           189.66 
Town of Eads Water  $             96.02 
Unifirst Corporation Office Supply  $             66.97 
Viaero Wireless CMG - Phone  $           164.84 
Visa - GN Bank Office Supplies, Repairs, Travel/Meetings, Dues/Fees, Postage, etc.  $           433.60 
   $      19,378.87 
719 Supply LLCSupplies, Repairs& Tools $           879.80 
Amazon Capital Services Sheriff-Office Supplies $           104.10 
Annual Kid's FairFair Donation $           500.00 
 Atmos Energy 9/14  Natural Gas- Courthouse $36.06, Bransgrove Upstairs $31.53,Old Sr Bldg. $35.07 Comm. Bldg. $31.07, BBQ $30.13  $           163.86 
 Avenu   Treasurer & Assessor-Maint Contract  $        2,762.13 
 Bent County Sheriff   911-Contract Services  $        4,200.00 
 Brown Funeral Home   Coroner Services  $           400.00 
 Business Solutions Leasing   Service Agreement  $           179.97 
  Business Solutions Leasing   Service Agreement  $           205.97 
 Colorado Natural Gas  Recycling Shop  $             31.04 
 Community Resource Center 9/14  SE RPD 2023 Sponsor  $           200.00 
 Country Air LLC  Bldg Maint  
 Creative Product Source INC 9/14  Emergency Mgt- Educational Materials   $           219.00 
 Crow, Janelle    Clerk/Recorder-Consulting  $           100.00 
 Crow's Stop & Shop   Healthy Choices-Food Vouchers $3146.77; LF Supplies $32.97; Bldg Supplies $782.43  $        3,962.17 
 District Attorney   Salaries - $2218.50, Elected Official - $243.00; Office Supplies $429.00  $        2,890.50 
 E3 Consulting Services, LLC   Permit: Towner E-$5025.00,W-$1800.00  $        6,825.00 
 Eads Auto Supply  Maintenance, Admin, Sheriff Repairs, Landfill, Recycling Supplies $        3,225.00 
 Eads Consumer Supply Co.  Sheriff- Oil Changes $           159.78 
 Eads Consumer Supply Co.  Fuel: Maint-$476.53; TVan-$513.98 $           990.51 
 East End/Towner Sr Citizens  Towner Seniors- Coordinator $             75.00 
 Eastern Slope Rural Telephone   Telephone/Internet Services  $        1,345.17 
 El Paso County   Coroner Services  $        3,000.00 
 Engelhardt Construction   Eads Srs: sink install  $           540.75 
 Family Support Registry   Garnishment Payable  $           585.00 
 GN Bank   HSA   $           442.00 
 Gobins INC   Admin-Service Agreements  $           494.64 
 Gobins INC   Admin-Service Agreements  $             91.45 
 H & H Electric LLC   Grandstands Ceiling Fans  $        5,273.04 
 Hes Elevator Service, LLC   Labor: Goff-$680.00; Maine-$680.00  $        1,360.00 
 Kiowa County Clerk   Sheriff:printing/books  $             30.00 
 Kiowa County Fairboard   Admin Emp Wrist Bands  $           428.00 
 Kiowa County Fairboard   Reimbursement- Loading Ramp  $        6,089.38 
 Kiowa County Hospital   Case Prep/Testing  $             52.00 
Kiowa County Treasurer  CG Employer/Employee Benefits  $    121,343.05 
 Legal Shield   Elective Benefits  $             12.95 
 Loyal American Life Insurance CO  Elective Benefits  $        1,963.74 
 MASA Mts   Elective Benefits  $           127.00 
 Mgt of America Consulting LLC   2023 Cost Allocation Plan  $        4,250.00 
 Peck, Donna   Emp. Goodwill/Vending Supplies  $           213.78 
 Peek Elevator LLC   Murdock Repair Contract  $        2,200.00 
 Plains Printing, INC   Landfill-Printing Advertisement  $             96.00 
 Plains Printing, INC   Sheriff- Books/Printing  $             80.00 
 Precision Pest Control   Quarter Service- Eads & Haswell Srs  $           150.00 
 Procom LLC   Admin Physicals  $             55.00 
 Quill Corp   Printer Supplies  $268.98; Vacuum $275.99   $           544.97 
 Riders Metal LLP   Recycling: Roll-off Lids  $           137.25 
 Rider Sewer & Drains Services   Fairground: Main Line Repair  $           484.00 
 Road & Bridge Fund   Fuel:Landfill $933.89; Recycle $946.16  $        1,880.05 
 SECOM Inc   Sheriff: Internet  $           182.08 
 SECOM Inc   Sheriff: Internet  $           182.08 
 S.E.C.P.A.   Utilities-Electric  $        5,291.22 
 State Industrial Products   Hand Cleaner $425.60; Freight $80.15  $           505.75 
 Steerman Law Offices   Professional Fees  $           398.75 
 Terry's Body Shop   Sheriff: Auto Repair  $        1,187.00 
 TK Elevator   Murdock Elevator Contract  $           992.25 
 Town of Eads   Courthouse Water $779.79; Eads Srs $96.02; Murdock SRS $96.02; Old Sr Bldg. $96.02  $        1,163.87 
 Towner Recreation District   Towner Seniors-Utilities  $           150.00 
 Unifirst   Maint Building Supplies $250.57; Maint. Uniforms $49.64, LF Uniforms $49.64; Eads Sr Janitorial $20.00  $           369.85 
 Viaero   Phone: Maint Bldg $131.02; DEM $72.56; LF Phone $47.10  $           250.68 
 Viaero   Sheriff Telephone  $           275.93 
 VISA-GNB  Office Supplies, Repairs, Travel/Meetings, Dues/Fees, Postage, etc. $        3,569.89 
 Gail Voss  Eads Seniors-Operating Supplies $             67.88 
 Washington County Sheriff  August Prisoner Keep $           180.00 
 Weirich, Amy  Abstract Delivery $           215.62 
West End Golden Seniors Haswell Srs-Utilities/Supplies $           347.50 
Western Cartographer Maps/Plat Books $           408.00 
Wex Bank Sheriff- Auto Fuel $        2,298.05 
Wheatland ElectricTowner Streetlight/Siren $             80.73 
   $    199,460.18 
719 Supply LLC Equipment-Repairs $        1,558.39 
719 Supply LLC General Supplies $             28.41 
ATMOS Energy Gas-Eads Shop $             30.13 
Carrigan Excavating, LLC Gas line repair $        1,722.20 
Colorado Div of Reclamation Aldrich:$323;Gentz:$323;Chiv.Pit:$323;EFT fee:$3 $           972.00 
Colorado Natural Gas Inc. Sheridan Lake Shop $             77.40 
Consolidated Communications Sheridan Lake Shop $             52.59 
Billie Cordova Admin-Rents/Leases $           250.00 
Eads Auto Supply & Hardware Maintenance Supplies $        3,403.26 
Eads Consumer Supply Equipment-Fuel, Oil, Diesel $        9,683.39 
Eastern Slope Telephone Telephone, Eads Shop $39.96, Haswell Shop $40.77, Haswell Internet $43.00 $           123.73 
GN BankHSA Payable $        1,046.00 
Harris, Rick & Kim Harris Pit Gravel $           400.00 
Interstate Billing ServicesParts: $2327.60; Freight: $100 $        2,427.60 
John Deere Credit Admin-Debt-Service $        7,447.74 
John Deere Financial Maintenance-General Supplies $        4,734.20 
Kiowa County TreasurerRB Employer/Employee Benefits $      37,083.98 
Kiowa Hospital District CDL Testing $             26.00 
Lamar Auto Parts Repair/Equipment- Camshaft $             34.90 
Lochurst Farms LLPRother Pit Gravel $           233.00 
Loyal American Life Insurance CoElective Benefits $           480.07 
MASAElective Benefits $               9.00 
MHC Kenworth Equipment & Repairs $           613.94 
Parker Mechanical Towner Repairs $        5,629.14 
Plains Printing, INC Admin-Advertising $             46.00 
Rockmount Res & Alloys Supplies:$2261.78; Freight:$113.13 $        2,374.91 
SECPA Electricity $           795.44 
Sheridan Lake Water District Water $             75.00 
S&K Fuel and Repair Fuel:$29,479.57; Tires & Repairs:$569.20 $      30,048.77 
S&K Fuel and RepairEquipment- Tires $        1,054.72 
Thunderbird Petro Products Maint-General Supplies $           235.29 
Town of Eads Water  $           214.74 
Town of Haswell Water $             40.00 
Triple B Doors Admin Bldg Repair $        2,160.91 
UniFirst Uniforms and Supplies $           281.87 
Wagner Equipment Outside Repairs $        1,991.33 
Social Services
During the regular meetings of the Kiowa County Board of Social Services held during September, 2023 the following bills were approved for payment.
General Operation $        1,160.20 
General Assistance $                   -   
Personnel $        2,373.33 
Submitted by Dennis Pearson, Director, Kiowa County Department of Social Services.
/s/ Dennis Pearson 1-Sep-23
Delisa L. Weeks, County Clerk  
Donald Oswald, Chairman