Eads Board of Trustees meeting minutes - November 13, 2019
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Eads Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Shields, Wednesday November 13, 2019 at 5:18 p.m. in the Town Hall. Town Clerk, Robin Fox, took roll call:
- Mayor – Joe D. Shields- Present
- Trustees – Present –Justin McLoud, Terry Riley, Dennis Pearson, and Kathy McCracken
- Absent – Meghan Buck (arrived at 5:45pm) and Lisa Trigilio
- Town Clerk- Robin Fox –Present
- Assistant Clerk- Barbara Scranton-Present
- Director of Public Works- Van Brown- Present
Audiences/Public Comment Period-
Minutes- Justin McLoud moved to approve the minutes as amended. Terry Riley seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Bills – The finance committee reviewed the bills prior to the meeting. Kathy McCracken moved to approve payment of the bills. Dennis Pearson seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Budget- The Budget hearing was open for public discussion.
Old Business:
Pool- The plans for the new pool were presented and discussed. Additional details will be discussed with the approval of the design.
New Business:
Air Med Care renewal- The annual renewal was presented by Robin Fox. Justin McLoud moved to renew the Air Med Care contract. Terry Riley seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Christmas Gifts- After discussion, the amounts are to remain the same. However, with the resignation of Assistant Town Clerk Shealynn McCracken it was discussed to split the gift evenly between her and the new Assistant Town Clerk Barbara Scranton. Terry Riley motioned to accept the amounts and the split. Justin McLoud seconded. Motion was voted on roll call vote. Assistant Town Clerk Barbara Scranton called roll for the vote for the split with Shealynn McCracken. Justin McLoud – Yes; Dennis Pearson – Yes; Terry Riley – Yes; Kathy McCracken – abstain. Assistant Town Clerk Barbara Scranton called roll for the vote for the split with Barbara Scranton. Justin McLoud – Yes; Dennis Pearson – Yes; Terry Riley – Yes; Kathy McCracken – Yes.
Bring Up Items
Crow Luther Lease- The 5 year Lease for the theater was up for renewal. The new lease was presented with no changes by Town Clerk Robin Fox. Justin McLoud motioned to accept the new 5 year lease. Dennis Person seconded the motion. Assistant Town Clerk Barbara Scranton called roll for the vote. Justin McLoud – Yes; Dennis Pearson – Yes; Terry Riley – abstain; Kathy McCracken – Yes.
Ordinance To Set Mill Levies- Justin McLoud motioned to accept the Ordinance To Set Mill Levies. Dennis Pearson seconded, motion passed unanimously. The Ordinance was adopted November 13, 2019.
Ordinance to Appropriate Sums of Money- Terry Riley motioned to accept the Ordinance to Appropriate Sums of Money. Justin McLoud seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Colorado Pacific Railroad- Town Clerk Robin Fox received a letter regarding the Public Utilities Commission decision to deny the application of Colorado Pacific Railroad to change the active crossing protection from gates and flashers without prejudice.
Budget- With no further discussion or changes the Budget hearing was closed.
Adjournment- Kathy McCracken motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:02 pm. Justin McLoud seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Joe D. Shields, Mayor
Barbara Scranton, Assistant Town Clerk