About Town – January 10, 2022
“Be strong and courageous.” Joshua 1:7
New Year’s Day morning, I had a pleasant phone call from a man who said he was “A voice from my past. I used to ride the school bus with you.” It was Wayne Laing, whose family moved to Greeley in the 1950’s. His older sister was Lois. He and his wife, Judy, live in Watkins and own and operate a motorcycle shop in Aurora on Potomac Street. Wayne said they had come to visit me three different times, but I was always gone, so we were glad to get to visit this time. They are such a delightful couple! He has such a remarkable memory and questioned so much about people from past acquaintances, like Leonard Fischer and the station. Where is or what happened to Joe Schmitt’s shop? Schoggin’s Grocery? Wissel’s Dry Goods? They were so impressed with how well the Eads cemetery looks and is kept, and how nice the Plains Theatre looks. Who lives where we used to live? The answer is “Dustin and Kristina Uhland and four children.” And, of course, our neighbors the Hollis, Blooding, Whaley, Uhland, and Wissel families were a questioned. He enjoys reading the local newspapers as well. I was so impressed that, having left Eads as a seventh grader, that he remembered so many places of business and so many people. He cared so much about his hometown! He even called my brother, Virgil Allen, “Buddy,” which was the name that Raymond Dunlap gave him. Wayne said that Mrs. Clara Dunlap, the third-grade teacher who was our neighbor, rode our school bus. Aww,memories - aren’t they delicious? Yes!
Ryan Lane is so appreciated by me and other people in this area for his work with the Eastern Slope Rural Telephone Association. For me, he is has come promptly when I have television or internet problems. There are other employees in the local stores who are so helpful to patrons. I encourage parents and educators to train and teach children and youth to have a good work ethic.
The Eads Chamber of Commerce had an enjoyable lunch at JJ’s Restaurant last Wednesday. There were more vehicles around the Travelor’s Lodge motel because they have new owners who plan to make it into apartments. This is a good idea since there is such a need for housing in Eads. For example, there is a nice lady from Connecticut who is working at Weisbrod Hospital for 13 weeks, and since the Weisbord apartments are already booked, she lived a few weeks at the Cobblestone Inn, but now drives to Lamar where she rents an AirBnb. I suppose the other two CNA nurses from out of the state must do the same thing.
According to Chamber of Commerce Treasurer Marilyn Baxter, a lot of businesses and people gave Eads Bucks as gifts for Christmas. People really do appreciate these Eads Bucks as gifts or when they win awards at the country fair. People can contact Marilyn at her insurance agency or call President Dennis Pearson to buy Eads Bucks.
While we were at the Chamber meeting Wednesday, we noticed about 13 pickup trucks all parked in straight lines in the parking lot. The men and a woman told us they were from an energy company from Texas who had gone to fight that most horrible wildfire around towns and homes near Boulder. This brings to mind that we, as citizens, need to be more mindful of what we can individually do or not do to avoid fires or such tragedies in our communities.
I have been in three different meetings the last two months where people have mentioned what a blessing the Prince family is since they moved to Eads. That is so true of their generous donations to projects, their service with groups, their kindness to their neighbors, and groups they belong to. We, the Hospital Auxiliary, remember gratefully how all four Prince’s stayed after the Hospital Bazaar to sweep the community building floors and move furniture. They were such a blessing to Director Linda Trosper!
The Kiowa County Fair Board regularly meets each month. They need more board members. A person can send a letter of interest to the County Commissioners.
Please keep the health needs of Julie Zimmerman in your thoughts and prayers. She is still in the hospital. It was good that Rachel (Zimmerman) Pent came home from Georgia for several weeks to assist her brother, Michael, and family.
We welcomed several inches of snow to Kiowa County last week. We are still in a state of drought in our land, so we do need more moisture.
Friday morning, when I looked out my art room window to the courthouse, I noticed that there was not the usual number of cars there. Then I remembered that now the workers are on a four-day week. Since the tax increase did not pass, many lives are rather unsettled. People will now need to remember to get their business at the courthouse done on the first four days of the week. The library will be open Tuesday through Friday.
The Crow Luther Cultural Events Center board met last week. There is a need on weekends for volunteers to sell tickets or concessions. Call Chair Betsy Barnett to assist.
Fans can watch home wrestling matches Friday evening and Saturday morning in Eads this week.