About Town – June 17, 2019
“Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.” Proverbs 12:25
The Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary met last Tuesday at J J’s restaurant. One of the main expenditures we moved to do was to make a donation of $1,000.00 to help with the big project of changing the window treatments. Currently the rooms have white venetian blinds. The plan is to begin on the east side with dark fabric shades that the resident can see out to the street and clinic, but people cannot see in. Light colored fabrics will be used on the north and south windows. This will be quite an undertaking, so any donations to KCHD will be appreciated. We want the public to know that the Hospital District does appreciate the anonymous donations and the gifts of furnishings, televisions, and other items that families or individuals have given through the years. Yesterday I was looking up at the plaque of names of people who have passed, which is in the front entry way. The reason their name is engraved there is because family and /or friends donated $100 or more to the Auxiliary to use in that person’s name for the betterment of the hospital and or nursing home. Sometimes the families indicate what they would like to have purchased. One item that comes to mind is the outdoor shade (awning) that some residents enjoy so much when they sit outside and watch the people go in and out and drive into the clinic parking lot. The visitors and residents also enjoy looking at the live plants and the strawberries and herbs they planted.
Sean Lynch, Eads sophomore, auditioned for a part in the Lamar Summer Theatre’s stage play. He was given the lead in “Peter Pan.” Ever since Sean was in elementary concerts, I recognized that he had talent to be a performer. Another young boy who caught the eye of many people is little Mason Sierra about first grade. There are three young elementary girls who really stole the show at the Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center spring musical. They are Mia Crow, Addison Courkamp, and Itzi Ramirez. Since they are all in 4-H Club I am hoping that their parents will register them to participate in the State Fair 4-H Showcase.
We agree with Bud Bennett, who lives next door to the Maine Street Park, when he says, “Joyce Berry is one of the hardest working women in town.” Most every morning, and many afternoons, people passing by can see her there picking up pinecones, weeding, and caring for the park. Thank you, to Joyce, also known as the “Tree Lady.”
Charlotte Woelk called Gary and Thata Hart to tell Gary “happy birthday.” They were traveling in Arkansas and had been visiting his sister on the east coast. They send greetings to friends in this county. Remember when they lived here and used to buzz around in the pink jeep?
Tim and Lanni Hier not only added a pretty porch to their newly acquired home on Maine Street, but have had Moe Sagner and his crew, Maurice Sagner and Mike Hose, build and paint a beautiful white picket fence with a rippling top line design.
George and Dorothy Ellicott of Eads drove to Cheyenne, Wyoming, last week to the wedding of a granddaughter of their relative. On the way home they drove by Platteville, Colorado, to visit their son, David. He has had a bad fall and is on bed rest. George was looking forward to attending the retired County Extension Agent’s dinner in Windsor last Friday when I talked to him. George said the doctor said that he is doing better but can only do gardening around their home not in his plot across from the golf course.
When Lynn Puls came to help me with the Sunday church time at Weisbrod, she brought her flute, which she played while resident Rosemary Stoker played the piano. They sounded lovely!
Another fine employee we have been observing at Prairie Pines is Thomas Phillips. He spent several days last week down on his knees painting gold and blue lines in the parking lot besides his other duties there at the Pines.
How exciting for the farmers and their wives on the west end of the county that they can now drive their harvest trucks to the Haswell elevator, if they wish to, since it was recently purchased from the CO-OP by the Scoular Company.
Congratulations to very outstanding Eads Future Farmers of America girls who achieved their State Degree at the FFA Conference in Pueblo. They were Molly Stolzenberger, Kaycee Ellenberger, Morgyn Johnson, and Lauren Spady. Besides their State Degree, Emily Guryman received a gold award for her extemporaneous speech, and Hadlie Rittgers won silver ranking in the prepared speech contest. Ms Todd and the chapter members were excited for all their accomplishments.
As volunteer members of the Patient-Family Advisory Council, we are learning so many new facts about the methods and terms connected with the workings of Weibrod Hospital and Nursing Home. We also can make suggestions about improvements and ask questions about rules and services. In following weeks, I will share some points to educate the community. ReNay Crain and Brandy Turcotte chair this Council.
Brittany Newman from Fort Hays University is in Eads to shadow our physical therapist for her career major. She is also teaching swimming lessons and working at the pool. She was an outstanding athlete for Eads in high school. I always admired how well she dribbled the basketball.