
Kiowa County Weekly COVID-19 Update - June 2, 2021
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- Cases: 103
- Hospitalizations: 6
- Deaths: 4**
*These are cumulative totals as of 06/01/2021 4pm **Deaths in people with a recent positive COVID test.
- CASES PAST 7 days: 0
- CASES PAST 14 days: 0
Positivity this week was 0.0 percent, unchanged from last week. The goal is to keep this rate below five percent. Please get tested if exposed or if you have symptoms. It is FREE! Call 438-5401 and ask for the lab. If you are having severe symptoms such as significant trouble breathing, etc. call 911.
- The new state Public Health Order no longer contains gathering size restrictions. The orders do state that face coverings are required for certain individuals, age twelve (12) and older, in the following settings:
- Unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated students, staff, and visitors to preschool through grade 12 schools (including extracurricular activities) and child care centers and services, including camps, except while 2 Third Amended PHO 20-38 COVID-19 Restrictions May 31, 2021 participating in outdoor activities;
- Unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated staff of Colorado Department of Motor Vehicle offices;
- Unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated residents, staff, and visitors to Prisons;
- Unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated residents, staff, and visitors to Jails; and
- Unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated patients, visitors, and personnel in emergency medical and other healthcare settings (including hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, urgent care centers, clinics, doctors’ offices, and non-urgent care medical structures).
- It also continues COVID-19 case reporting requirements.
- WALK-IN VACCINE CLINIC next week! The first clinic will be from 9:00AM to NOON on Thursday, June 10. Starting on June 16, walk-in clinics will be available every Wednesday during office hours, through the summer! Age 12+ can only receive Pfizer vaccine at this time (2 doses 21 days apart). Moderna and J&J are for ages 18+ at this time.
- Moderna is 2 doses 28 days apart and Jannsen (aka Johnson&Johnson, J&J) is a single dose vaccine.
- It is anticipated that Moderna will submit its application for ages 12-17 in the next couple of weeks. We will let you know if and when it is approved for that age group.
- It is now estimated that more than 70% of positives are due to the B.1.1.7 variant! Kiowa county has not yet had any identified though other counties in our region have! The variants are more contagious than the original virus and some of them make you sicker, which is why we are looking for them.
- The vaccine bus will be in our region most weekends. No appointment is necessary and walk-ups are welcome! If you want a particular vaccine (the bus carries J&J and Pfizer), an appointment is encouraged so that the staff have enough of the vaccine that you prefer. An appointment is also encouraged for those 12-17 since there is only 1 vaccine approved for this age group. See the bus schedule here:
- The most important thing you can do is continue to follow the guidance we have recommended from the beginning! Stay home if not feeling well, cover coughs and sneezes, wash hands frequently or use 60+% alcohol-based hand sanitizer, wear a mask/face covering to contain any respiratory droplets and stay at least 6 feet from others. Minimize gatherings.
- Governor Polis announced this week that there will be a series of $1 million dollar giveaways for those who are vaccinated.
More information is available at
Call 719-438-5782 or 719-336-8721 with questions. You can check for information or email with any questions. We appreciate your patience in this busy and trying time!