About Town – March 27, 2023
“If I give all I possess to the poor … but do not have love, I am nothing”. I Corinthians 13: 3
The highlight for this week to many ladies and girls was the “Come and Go Bubbly Brunch” at the Cobblestone Inn. It was a bridal shower for Hadlie Rittgers and her fiancé’, Trey McDowell. It was an elegant affair with a lovely array of colorful finger foods and beverages, ending with wonderful decorated cakes. The bride-the-be, Hadlie, wore a pretty white dress and sat by her sister, Rhaelie, and her classmates, Emily Guyerman, Kalie Wilson, Molly Stolzenberger, and Brooklyn Jones. One could see that they were having such a good visit. In addition, there were many aunts and cousins who came for Hadlie’s special day. When I returned home, I had a letter from Judy Beeson (Trey’s grandmother), who is living in Tucson, Arizona, where she surely likes their warmer weather. Hadlie and Trey have graduated from Adams State University in Alamosa, and recently have new jobs where they will be living in Wiley. Hadlie has a job as a teacher at the Wiley school and, Trey has a coveted job with the wildlife department. We wish them blessings for their June wedding and married life.
Thursday evening at Eads High School, the Future Farmers of America served meat and potatoes cooked outdoors by a core of men who have volunteered the do this for many years. Some students served salads and desserts as well as offered beverages. Their officers were busy at various stations in the gymnasium. The officers are Maggie Haase, Katie Johnson, Samantha Courkamp, Taygan Ferris, Brentley Lening, and Madison McDowell. Near the entry door was a table with Pam Cole and Gloria Trosper ,who offered taste bites of four pies. Then we voted on them. As a former foods judge, I would say they were all blue ribbon pies. So, during the pie auction, they raised money for the scholarship fund. After the fine dinner, instructor Justin Lenox gave the buyers directions about having the teenagers complete their “hired hand” work before the end of school. The students were auctioned off by Rob Morlan in class groups. It appeared that most of the students sold from $300 to $500, or more in some cases. The young men looked handsome in their navy cord jackets, white shirts and ties. The young ladies were dressed in similar colors, but the remarkable fact is while they are attractive at ball games, but when you look at their pretty faces with their long curly hair combed down, they are beautiful!
Mr. Lenox and his students appreciate the generous men and women and businesses who bought students to work for them because this will help with funds for the Ag Farm southeast of Eads, and for travel to competitions and conferences. Another impressive part of the program was when the students held their projects they had constructed for sale. They were high quality in construction and painting.
Students competed on Quiz Bowl teams at Kit Carson recently. They are Karsten Buller, Tailee Weeks-Johnson, Lexi Shotton, Kolten Specht, Kara Wilson, and Shaine Winder. On that day, Eads senior Piper Sorter was retired from her District 8 position, and Katie Johnson, Eads senior, will represent District 8 at the state convention.
The burial day for Don McDaniel, age 97, was sunny and a bit warmer. There were many of Don’s friends and family there. Veteran men and women came from Eads, Kit Carson, and Cheyenne Wells for the color guard, to play the “Taps” on a trumpet, and to shoot the firearms. Don was a World War II veteran who joined the Army in 1944 and served in France, Germany, and Czechoslovakia.
March 29 from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. at the Cobblestone Inn is your opportunity the attend a community conversation. This will be a chance the learn more about the merger of the Southeast Health Group and Valley-Wide Health Systems. These could be very helpful to many people in this county. You know, that all of us have a story and carry within us “wounds and hurts.” Let’s learn about services that could help us, someone related to, us or dear to us.
April 1, there will be a bridal shower for Brooklyn Jones at the Eads Senior Citizen Center.
April 2, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Kiowa County Community Building on the fairgrounds in Eads, will be a memorial time for our teacher and coach, Sue Fox, who died suddenly of brain cancer. Her sisters and some family will be here to meet the community friends that Sue loved. There will be a dessert bar and beverages.
The Weisbrod Hospital conversations were very helpful over the past two weeks. There is one more chance, April 3, at the Cobblestone Inn from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. to share your ideas.
Delisa (Eikenberg) Weeks and her daughter, Darci (Weeks) Johnson, recognized that they have both been working for the Kiowa Hospital District – Weisbrod Hospital - for 20 years as of March 21. Isn’t that wonderful? They are wonderful as caring nurses! Yes, Delisa is the County Clerk, but she often works on week-ends or at nights when there is a need.
We were sad to hear that Shirley (Barber) Byrne has died. She was a delightful friend like her mother, Faye Barber, who was our neighbor on the corner of 14th and Hickman Streets for many years.
Shalom, my friends.