Kiowa County annual 4-H achievement banquet held
The Annual 4-H Achievement Banquet, themed "Get Rooted In 4-H" and following the quote "We Are Growing the Future," marked the end of the 2022/2023 year on October 29, 2023. Approximately 90 attendees, comprising 4-H families and members of the community, gathered to revel in the occasion. The 4-H Council's parents provided a taco bar with nachos, Mexican rice, and an array of dips. The dessert tables were filled with delicious homemade treats prepared by families. This event served as an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the hard work of our 4-H Members, the generosity of donors, and countless contributions that make 4-H the exceptional youth organization it is today. The awards were handed out, and each person who played a role in the year's success received recognition.
We started the night with recognizing our many donors and supporters. Every year a business or family is chosen to receive our “Friend of 4-H” award. This year Colorado Mills was selected as our recipient. “Colorado Mills is a Beneficial Ally of Kiowa County's 4-H and FFA Programs. The annual Junior Livestock sale has always been a significant source of support for the Kiowa County 4-H and Eads FFA Chapter, with Colorado Mills participating year after year. Their contribution has amounted to an average of $5,000 spent annually. We would like to express our deepest appreciation to Colorado Mills for their unyielding commitment to our community's youth programs.” Mr. Kent Wollert was in attendance to receive the award which consisted of a framed certificate and a customized cutting board made by “3E Creations” owner Shannon Ellenberger. We would like to express our thanks to Kent and Colorado Mills for their unwavering support. And to Shannon for the beautiful gift, she customized for us.
The evening kept rolling with the various sponsored awards being handed out. Each donor sponsors either a buckle made by Molly’s Custom Silver or $50.00 cash for Showmanship, Top Livestock Record Book, and 4-H General Project Division winners. In all there were 19 buckles and $1,550.00 monetary awards handed out.
The final award presented at the event was the highly coveted "Outstanding 4-H Member of the Year" award. Each year, the 4-H leaders nominate one member from each respective age division for this honor. The nominees receive a questionnaire and must acquire two recommendation letters, which are submitted to the extension office. An external committee then reviews the questionnaires and recommendations to determine the awardees. The recipients of this year's awards were Reona Eikenberg for the Junior age division, Mia Crow for the Intermediate age division, and Kailyn Londo for the Senior age division.
To conclude the night, the 4-H Council inducted its newly elected members for the 2023/2024 term. The new Council members are as follows: Clayton Nelson as President, Katherine Trosper as Vice President, Rylan Londo as Secretary, Hailee Trosper as Treasurer, Landon Zimmerman as Reporter, Kailyn Londo as Historian, and Marley Zimmerman as Recreational Leader. We eagerly anticipate the upcoming year and the guidance these individuals will bring to the Kiowa County 4-H program. We express our gratitude to all our 4-H families, sponsors, donors, and community members for their unwavering support of our program.
If you have a youth member that is interested in 4-H, please contact the CSU Kiowa County Extension office at 719-438-5321 by phone or email Extension Specialist Tearle Lessenden at Tearle.lessenden@colostate.edu or Administrative Assistant Krystal Eikenberg at coopext_kiowa@colostate.edu.
4-H General Projects Divisional Winners |
Member | Award | Sponsor |
Alexa Nelson | Fashion Revue | 21st Century Equipment |
Alexa Nelson | Other Arts | 21st Century Equipment |
Alexa Nelson | Sewing & Heritage Arts | 21st Century Equipment |
Mia Crow | Food Arts | 21st Century Equipment |
Landon Zimmerman | Natural Resources | 21st Century Equipment |
4-H Buckle Award Winners | ||
Aubrey Mitchek | Intermediate Round Robin | B&R Machines |
Braya Ferris | Intermediate Horse | Sibcy Enterprises |
Carmen McPherson | Sheep Average Daily Gain | Sam & Denise Nelson |
Case Nelson | Goat Average Daily Gain | Crow’s Stop & Shop |
Case Nelson | Swine Average Daily Gain | Eads Auto Supply |
Case Nelson | Breeding Sheep | Southeast Colorado Power |
Clayton Nelson | Dog | Buckskins & Blackpowder |
Ellie Scott | Market Rabbit | W&W Farms |
Katherine Trosper | Market Sheep | Ellenberger Farms |
Rylan Londo | Breeding Rabbit | 21st Century Equipment |
Selena Fehr | Market Poultry | Eads FFA |
Selena Fehr | Senior Horse | George & Dorothy Ellicott |
Tinley Lawrence | Junior Round Robin | J&L Farms |
Wesly Fehr | Breeding Poultry | W&W Farms |
Weston Mitchek | Beef Average Daily Gain | Kip & Dawna Peck and Gloria Peck |
FFA Buckle Award Winners |
Kara Wilson | Market Goat | GN Bank |
Kara Wilson | Senior Round Robin | Eads Auto Supply |
Madison McDowell | Breeding Goat | Scherler Sales |
Madison McDowell | Market Swine | Scotty Engelhardt |
Stockton Mitchek | Market Beef | Mike & Delisa Weeks |
4-H Showmanship Award Winners |
Addison Courkamp | Intermediate Goat | Rod & Pam Cole |
Aspen Nelson | Intermediate Sheep | Ellenberger Farms |
Aspen Nelson | Intermediate Swine | Tim & Gloria Trosper |
Aubrey Mitchek | Intermediate Beef | Kiowa Pharmacy |
Carmen McPherson | Intermediate Poultry | B&R Machines |
Jett Deines | Junior Poultry | 21st Century |
Kailyn Londo | Senior Rabbit | James Ranch |
Katherine Trosper | Senior Sheep | Ellenberger Farms |
Piper Uhland | Junior Goat | Rod & Pam Cole |
Rylan Londo | Intermediate Rabbit | Eads FFA |
Selena Fehr | Senior Poultry | 21st Century |
Taivyn Kraft | Junior Sheep | Ellenberger Farms |
Tinley Lawrence | Junior Rabbit | Scotty Engelhardt |
Zoey Trosper | Junior Swine | Tim & Gloria Trosper |
FFA Showmanship Award Winners |
Brentley Lening | Senior Swine | James Ranch |
Kara Wilson | Senior Goat | Rod & Pam Cole |
Stockton Mitchek | Senior Beef | 21st Century |
4-H Livestock Record Book Winners |
Tinley Lawrence | Junior Age Division | Farm Credit of Southern Colorado |
Aspen Nelson | Intermediate Age Division | Farm Credit of Southern Colorado |
Weston Mitchek | Senior Age Division | Farm Credit of Southern Colorado |
4-H Outstanding Members of The Year |
Reona Eikenberg | Junior Age Division | Farm Credit of Southern Colorado |
Mia Crow | Intermediate Age Division | 21st Century Equipment |
Kailyn Londo | Senior Age Division | 21st Century Equipment |