About Town – January 24, 2022
“The Lord watches over those who love Him” Psalm 145: 20
Bill and Charlotte Woelk have had two weekends of celebrations, which they well deserve. Mr. Woelk, Principal Woelk, Coach Woelk, Marine Korean Veteran Woelk, was 91 January 16. That day, they were in the mountains above Denver to attend the wedding of their great nephew, Shawn Curtis, to Olga. Shawn is the grandson of the late Clarence and Hazel Woelk, formerly of Sheridan Lake. Last weekend Bill and Charlotte had his two nieces and a son come to visit. The next day, they had a lovely dinner in the country at their daughter, Char’s, home, and Sunday they spent in Tribune, Kansas, to celebrate with more family and friends. I am so grateful to Bill because nearly every day for the last two years he has brought in my mail from the corner mailbox. I really do appreciate his kindness to me. I was amazed to learn his age, I told him that he was well preserved.
What a joyful time for the Eads Christian Church to celebrate their 100th birthday. I have many childhood memories in the Sheridan-Dienes home, which was the first church. Like attending mother-daughter teas with our adopted grandmother, Cora Lee Gass, and waiting over an hour for Trudy Bendorf and Scott Brigg’s wedding to begin (the minister was delayed). Ted Abrams was a student who had a part in planning the building of the new church. He came to get me from my classroom one afternoon to show me that he had indeed asked the men to design a cross above the Baptismal, which I had missed in the other church. This is a warm church family who has been blessed with a fine pastor, Mark Imel, and his wife, Deb.
Tel Linke, cowboy and college student, was severely injured several weeks ago by a train. His mother is the former Gay Everist, and grandmothers, Jaryl Everist and Glaida Craven, all formerly of Kit Carson. This handsome red-haired man needs your prayers.
Wanda Lessenden always prepares such good main dishes that Virgil carries in and out for the Haswell senior citizens as they did last Wednesday. Earlier that day, the Eads senior citizens dined on wonderful fried chicken, mashed potatoes and cream gravy prepared by Gail Voss. We are grateful to Don and Esther McCoin for buying the chicken.
The Eads school and staff hosted the annual Invitational Knowledge Bowl Friday for 17 schools which brought 27 teams to compete.
Melinda Walker Campbell’s funeral was last Saturday at the United Methodist Church. Melinda died from COVID-19. She leaves her young son, Benjamin Wallick; husband, Daniel Campbell; mother, Nancy of Eads; sister, Jennifer; and brother, Brandon Walker.
Friends around Kit Carson are sad to hear of the death of two of their former graduates. Luanna Naugle’s funeral will be at the Kit Carson School January 29. She has been in and out of nursing homes for three years and leaves her three grieving adult children, Kristie, Ryan, and Jeremy, and their families. Tonya (Wood) Wilson, who was left a paraplegic after an auto accident a few years ago, has died from the complications of COVID-19. Her mother, Irene, in Campo, stated that Tonya’s services are pending.
The two new Physician Assistants at Weisbrod Hospital were introduced at a meet and greet at the Cobblestone Inn last Monday evening. Morgan King and her husband, and Abby Huff, whose fiancé came from Denver for a chance to get acquainted with others. We are glad these two well educated young ladies chose our community to serve in.
Maxine (Peck) Blooding of Windsor is 94, can still walk, and is almost a perky as when she was the 4-H leader for Cardon Berry, Virgil Allen and Dwight Lessenden and me. We were so happy to greet her after the funeral of her sister-in-law, Gloria Peck. At Gloria’s funeral, there were five of her gorgeous quilts displayed across the Sanctuary. It was so beautiful! Another of the legacies that Gloria left us. Ronnie Phillips of Las Animas pointed out to me classmates of Kim Peck (class of 1977).
Another nice feature of living in the small town of Eads: the kindness and support. Kourtney Richards wrote a thank you to this community for the wonderful support she felt from her nurse and Weisbrod Hospital friends, who helped her and her children, Whitlee and Colton, while she was away and so ill. She is grateful to her parents, Karen Kreuger, and Dan and Jan Richards, for their help. Family is so important. May I add, we need to be aware of young families and people around us who may have no relatives in the community because they could maybe use our support, help, and friendship.
Some of us saw part of the Weisbrod Hospital District Board meeting that was streamed on Facebook January 20. That method is certainly a wonderful innovation to keep people more informed.
The Southeast Colorado Power magazine published photos and names of all the state legislators. This can be helpful to voters, but the most helpful are the two Eads employees, Jake Barnes and Jose Ramos, who are available daily to care for us in this county and area.
Peace be with you.