About Town – November 1, 2021
Exodus 20:16 “do not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”
“How I Can Be a Great American” is the title of the VFW Essay Patriots Pen contest that 22 of Mrs. Kelly (Barlow) Courkamp wrote about. As a committee member, I was pleased to read their original and innovative ideas. The students used good grammar and ideas related to their lives. These essays will have the final judging November 2 at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary and Post members’ meeting in Kit Carson. Then the winning essays will be taken to the district meeting. I commend Mrs. Courkamp for all the effort she put into this opportunity. It does take a lot of her time to type the headings and get all the signatures of parents. Recently I found the winning 2021 art winners in the VFW magazine, so I am passing those photos on to Eads High School art instructor, Mrs. LaDawne Britton. The VFW awards large sums of money to the winners in these contests, especially at the national level.
Freda Schmidt, formerly of Towner, was glad that her children - who have moved to Inman, Kansas, where she now lives near them - brought her back to celebrate her 90th birthday at the Sheridan Lake Bible Church with her Colorado friends and church family October 23.
Dr. Glen Cranford has received an award for his work at the Lincoln County Hospital in Hugo. His family and friends in Eads are proud and glad for him. Glen is the son of Konda (Beeson) and Jon Howard of Eads.
April Turquotte, formerly of Haswell and Eads, was married October 23 to Dillon Worley of Cheyenne Wells in the Haswell United Methodist Church. The seven bridesmaids wore burgundy dresses, and the seven groomsmen wore black shirts and jeans with burgundy suspenders and bow ties. April’s brother, Steven, and his wife and mother-in-law of Holly decorated the Haswell Community Center beautifully in burgundies, pearl and gold for a lovely reception.
Phil Pollreis called to tell me he has made a lot of new friends by walking around his block in Littleton. Last week he played his guitar and sang for a senior program at the community library. He said this was the last time his fingers were going to be able to play that guitar, so he is packing it up to send to his friend in Oklahoma to be a part of his friend’s country music museum. He is even sending his patriotic shirt and little cousin, Shorty, the horse. He will celebrate his 84th birthday November 1.
We offer our sympathy to Eunice Weber and her extended families. Her brother, Jay Dee Matthews, formerly of Kit Carson, recently of Louisiana, died. He was a cowboy who won many rodeo awards through his lifetime. Jay Dee and his father, and Eunice’s sons, Doug and Matt, all were outstanding rodeo cowboys during their careers.
Andrea Morgan of the Kiowa County Health Office on Maine Street was swamped with so many more people than expected last Friday. County Nurse Whitney Barnett was really a busy nurse that day giving flu or COVID booster shots! People visited with folk from other parts of the county while they waited. I was even able to visit with my great niece, Colby Stoker, who drove over from Otero College in La Junta for her shot.
The little pre-school to fifth grade students had a joyful parade with their teachers and parent sponsors Thursday afternoon as they went from many places of business for treats. It is regrettable that the residents of Weisbrod didn’t get to see those precious little ones. Maybe next year! There is always hope.
Linda Trosper of Eads is accepting vender applications for the Weisbrod Auxiliary Hospital Bazaar set for November 20. If potential vendors can’t reach Linda, they may call me or Dianna Flory or Loretta Seibel. Don’t you just relish going to Bazaars?
Andrea Morgan shared this phone number for calling her mother, Terry Voss: 719-685-8888, room 237. Her address is 3490 Centennial Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80907.
Torrie Randel and Stephanie Framel, both Kit Carson students, were named to the High School All Star Softball Team. They have both have been driven to practices and games with the Burlington Cougar team for two years. These outstanding athletes also continued to play outstanding volleyball games with the Kit Carson Wildcat team.
The Sheriff’s office warns that there have been several reports of thefts of batteries on farm machinery. Please be aware of where you park your machinery and check their safety often.
The Eads senior citizens will have their Sage noon lunch November 3, and brunch November 4 at 10:00 a.m. Marsha Mousel and Pam Mousel brought down turkeys for our November 17 noon meeting.
Claire Prince presented an exciting report of possible activities for the December 5 “Merry on Maine” festivities to the Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center board. The kids games, activities, vendors, foods, parade of .ights, and concert should bring delight.
Savanah Gyurman, formerly of Haswell-Eads, is the coach of the Wray softball team. It was great to hear her team’s game called on the radio.
Thanks to Bud and Dixie Bennett who, along with other, people fly their flags daily. When Liz Hulteen sat with the Bennetts at the senior lunch, she understood that they have 4,000 flags.
Be kind to your neighbors. Obey God’s 8th Commandment. Please.