PROMO 660 x 440 Health - Doctor Medical Symbols - iStock - nevarpp

Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary meeting notes

© iStock - nevarpp
PROMO 660 x 440 People - Doris Lessenden
Doris Lessenden

Ladies of the Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary met June 10 for their regular meeting at J J’s Restaurant meeting room.  Loretta Seibel explained the treasurer’s expenditures.  Betty Crow reported that Kim Richards really does like the potted flower gift we gave to her for her years of charity and support to the Auxiliary.

The ladies donated $1,000 to the project to begin new window treatments for the rooms    Tonya Lane showed samples of dark and light fabric that Dreama Buck had sent.

Tonya told us about some of the activities that she and Linda Hopkins are doing with the residents.  She told us about Pansy Foxworthy’s 103rd birthday party, and how much June Weeks liked her favorite birthday cake that Judy Weeks made for her party.  Tonya heard about some new ideas to try after she attended the Activities Director conference in Estes Park.

Loretta Seibel, Betty Crow, Doris Lessenden, and Robin Musgrave volunteered to play Bunco with the residents June 10 in the evening. 

The next meeting will be July 9 at 11:00 a.m.   Men and women are invited to visit and join the Auxiliary.