About Town – November 29, 2021
"Give thanks always to God for all things…” Ephesians 5:20
Thanksgiving Day: what a beautiful, warm day it was! Wednesday, the skies were dreary gray, but November 25, we had sunny blue skies! Inside my home our guests enjoyed a turkey dinner with many side dishes, delicious pies and a basket of little gifts and banana breads all wrapped and prepared by my friend, Liz Hulteen. What a blessing she is!
Two blocks away, the Cardon and Joyce Berry family moved their family dinner from their home on Kerr Street to the new senior citizen center. Their family is growing like many other families. They were glad to have newly-weds Cardon and Pamela Brandt of Denver, who returned from Mexico where they were recently married in a gorgeous ceremony, a fabulous meal, and much celebration. Mike and Cindy (Berry-Brandt) McLoud were happy to have all five of their children and grandchildren home.
The next day there was a large gathering at the senior center for the families of Donna Miller, who died in Arizona. Her husband, Bob Miller, who lives at Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center in Eads, and all their family and grandchildren and great grandchildren gathered for a memorial service and Thanksgiving dinner last Friday. Their children are Marty (Krissy) Miller, Marilyn and Steve Baxter, and Frank (Marci) Miller, all of Eads. Their son, Mike, is deceased. It was a joyful day for the Miller family.
November 21, there was a baby shower for Dorian Ray, formerly of Eads and now Texas.
Sunday evening, the Ministerial Alliance hosted the Community Thanksgiving Service at the First Christian Church in Eads. Pastors who participated were Mark Imel, Ken Grant, and Deborah Gooden. Especially enjoyable was to hear Alicia James play the grand piano and Kent Frazee play the organ. After the service, the church family hosted delicious refreshments. Mike Weirich leaned over to say, “Miss Less, I hope you like that custard. I made it.” I was sad when Kent Frazee called me the next night to report that he had a text from Dawn (Gulley) James asking friends to pray for Mike since he was in the hospital. I admire how this church family keeps people informed of prayer requests.
This is the first week of Advent celebrations and services. In our community the Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center is planning a fabulous “come and go” experience. It is an expansion of past times. So, on Sunday, December 5, people can have a lunch at noon at food vendors on Maine Street. At 1:00 p.m., one can see Santa arrive on Hyrda Rail, where he will disembark near the Maine Street crossing. As in the past, Santa will be near the community tree to have photos taken. This is from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Also from 1:00 to 3:00, there will be a place for fun and crafts for the youth. From 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., those who buy a ticket can attend the concert of local singers and the entertaining Leo LePrairie with the Liberty Band from Pueblo. This will be followed by closing activities and the lighting of the Christmas tree, followed by the Parade of Lights to view the homes, led by Karl Eikenberg. Do remember to sign up with Rhealie Rittgers if you want your home to be judged for one of three money prizes. Her e-mail address is: rhealie.rittgers@eadseagles.org. Homes will be judged Saturday, December 4. There are two categories: general decorations or the “train” theme. Winners will be announced at the Christmas tree lighting.
Middle school basketball games have already begun. Friday, Eads High School will host the first games of this seasons beginning at 5:00 p.m. with High Plains. Our wrestlers will be traveling to Fowler Saturday.
The elementary school concert will be Thursday, December 9, at 6:30 p.m. I assure you that this will be a most pleasurable concert to see and hear our delightful youth sing and act under the direction of Mrs. Monica Uhland.
We sports fans are grateful to sponsors who paid for radio sport announcers Cory Allen Forgue and Dick Peecher to call the Colorado State 6-Man Football game between Cheyenne Wells and Stratton, who played at the Colorado State University–Pueblo stadium Friday. The Cheyenne Wells Tigers won their first football state championship.
Paul and Glenda Stoker closed their propane, gas, and antique shop in Haswell several days so they could drive to Tennessee to visit their son, Blake, who is stationed with the Army there.
The Eads Chamber of Commerce invites patrons to sign up at chamber member stores to add your name to the drawing for three more Friday money prizes.
Senior citizens are reminded that brunch will be at 10:00 a.m. Thursday, December 2. If you don’t want to cook, one can add to the donation can.
For the first time in some 70 years, there will be no Community Cantata for lack of a director-pianist.
I do encourage you to send cards to residents at the Weisbrod Nursing Home and Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center. You can take them to the inside foyer door or mail them. You can write their names on the envelope, or call me, or just write individual cards. If you want names, you may call me at 719-483-5665.
Joy to the world. Joy to people in Kiowa County.