About Town – October 16, 2023
“A cheerful heart is good medicine.” Proverbs 17: 22
We have been blessed to have such warm sunny weather in southeastern Colorado this fall. There are a few golden leaves beginning to fall. It was a lovely day last Saturday at the Haswell Bazaar where friends enjoyed shopping and visiting around the vendor’s booths and at lunch. Michelle Nelson has been the organizer for the Haswell Bazaar for many years. Besides this event, she and Carole Spady create and quilt many “Quilts of Valor” for men and women who have served in the military. Michelle has also served as Haswell Mayor for many years. She and her husband, Mark, are also volunteer 4-H leaders for different projects through the Prairie Queen 4-H Club. Their particular specialty is in shooting sports where they arrange shooting meets for members in other counties. Michelle is an outstanding leader in sewing and cooking projects also. These busy parents have two daughters who are students at Colorado State University, Fort Collins where their parents gained their degrees. The Nelsons are on the road a lot to events and sports where their son, Clayton, plays with the Hugo-Genoa teams since he is a student at Karval High School. Michelle works at home with an agriculture related company, and Mark works for FSA in Las Animas.
The community of Eads, and fans of Shelley Watts Pearcey, were so pleased to celebrate the splendid honor and award given to a former outstanding Eads player. Shelley played for Colorado State University-Pueblo in 1983 thru 1985 when her excellent basketball skills helped CSU-Pueblo to make a comeback on the college sports scene. Last weekend during the CSU-Pueblo homecoming festivities, Shelley was inducted into the “Hall of Fame.” She and her husband, Scott Pearcey, live in Windsor.
At the CSU-Pueblo ceremonies, another award was given to Jim and Sue Trahern of Kit Carson and their sons. It is called the “Family Legacy Award.” The Trahern’s had an amazing score total, which merited all four of them as recipients of this coveted award. Jim and Sue were both coaches at Kit Carson junior and senior high schools. Jim and Sue live in Kit Carson.
In Eads, one of the main social events on Saturday afternoon and evening was the wedding of Chelsea Crosby to A. J. Bolin. Her fellow nurse, Darci Weeks-Johnson, baked and decorated their wedding cake, and Gail Voss took on the challenge of hemming up five gowns of taffeta and net and one of velvet. Chelsea used rust-red and gold colors of fall for their wedding. We give them our best wishes.
President Sylvia Weeks prepared colorful smothered burritos, and Director Gail Voss prepared biscuit and gravy for the Eads senior citizens monthly brunch last week. We now are looking forward to the October 18 noon lunch when the main entré will be bierocks.
Congratulations to Rustin and Shaelynn (McCracken) Robbins of Springfield, whose first child, Paisyn Lynn, was born October 5.
Dawn James scheduled Colorado State Representative Ty Winter to speak to her third and fourth hour social studies classes October 10. This is an opportunity for the students to learn more about state government.
Wednesday, some Future Farmers of America students participated in Range judging at Lamar and the junior class took the PSAT test which is a useful tool for counselors and college admissions staff to access a student’s academic potential. Thursday was a very important day for parent teacher conferences. Mrs. Nelson’s Future Business Leaders of America sponsored a fundraiser supper. Friday morning, the high school Knowledge Bowl teams will travel to Plainview to compete. That afternoon, the four teams of football and volleyball will travel to Cheyenne Wells to meet up with the Tiger teams.
One of the better services that our county offers to residents is the use of the transit van through appointment with the Commissioners’ office.
Be observant because antelope and deer season will be in progress the next few weekends. I have seen some great photos of wild game that has been shot by local marksmen.
Thursday morning, I was asked to be a host at the Eads Senior Citizen Center by Jeanne Sorensen. Upon arriving, it was a surprise to find friends and family there to greet me. Director Gail Voss said, “This is a ‘Just Because’ coffee for you, and to thank you for what you have done for this community.” Thank you all for thinking of me.