About Town – October 23, 2023
“Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.” I Peter 5:7
Last Wednesday evening was an important and festive evening at the Eads Senior Citizens Center where the Weisbrod Hospital leadership team honored two young women at the chili cook-off, where 13 cooks offered samples of chili! The sample winner was Jodi Stolzenberger. Darryl Stolzenberger was nearby. It was here that they officially announced Dr. Lori Lynn Thorndike is the Kiowa County Hospital District Chief of Staff, and to introduce Mrs. Beth (Stavely) Bell, the KCHD CEO. We warmly welcome these ladies to our community even though they have been working here for some time. We know that they are a good fit for our present and future needs to serve the medical needs of this county and so many other people who come here from other towns to the doctors at our fine clinic. Dr. Thorndike and her family lived in Hawaii before moving to Steamboat Spring, where she travels to serve us. Beth Bell is a registered nurse who worked primarily in Utah. She and her husband have two young sons. He is an electrician who also operates the fitness center in Demitasse on 13th Street in Eads.
Last Wednesday, people had trouble finding a parking space for the monthly noon meeting at the Eads Senior Citizen Center. Director Gail Voss worked hard for several days to chop cabbage, fry buffalo meat, and make homemade wheat bread dough to make a lot of Bierocks which the guests really did enjoy. We are enjoying the company of two “new” ladies who have been attending our gatherings lately, Teresa Yates, who lives at Unity Village, and Laura Jordan from Kerr Street. Next, we are anticipating the Thanksgiving dinner November 16.
Linda Trosper arranged an attractive display for October in the main dining room of the Weisbrod Extended Care Unit. This month she is featuring Mia Crow’s lovely Halloween motif quilt. Mia is an Eads Middle School student, whose fine quilting skills and records won reserve Grand Champion at the Colorado State Fair. Mia also excels in caring for small animals, sports, and cooking, as well as singing. Mia is the daughter of Danyelle (Sheridan) and Jessie Dienes and Cory Crow.
Congratulations to the Wiley Panther softball team, who won champion in the district softball playoffs. This team is made up of five Wiley girls, five girls from McClave, and five girls from Eads. The Eads girls who play with this co-op team are Kara Wilson, Lexi Shotton, Bailey Sierra, Savannah Brown, and Anna Wollert.
When the Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary met at the Weisbrod meeting room, they were pleased to visit with the two architects from Michigan who have an office in Denver. This team was interested to hear our suggestions of what we would like to see in the future clinic and the future hospital. The Auxiliary is excited to be planning our annual Fall Bazaar for November 18. We encourage potential vendors to call Linda Trosper to reserve a space if available. Her number is 719-438-5777.
Some staff members are decorating doors around the hospital facility. An Auxiliary committee will be judging them to give Eads Bucks prizes. One amusing door is covered with purple cloth with several clothes lines of little colorful socks saying ‘’Trick or Treat....Smell our feet”!
The Kit Carson Trinity Lutheran Missionary League hosted their annual fall rally last Saturday. Pastor Tom Barton led the opening devotion service. We were glad to have participants from Cheyenne Wells, Burlington, Lamar, Eads, and Kit Cason. A couple from Cheyenne Wells who have been missionaries to Ethiopia shared their experiences. Bible study, crafting a tile, exchanging prayer partners for a year, and lunch were some of the evens of the day.
Debra Hall of Eads had had some rather anxious days the last month. It is not unusual for her mother, Christine Crook, to fly to Israel once or twice a year for the last ten years. But this year when she went with a group of 12 friends from her Las Cruces, New Mexico church, only five of them lived to return to America. Debra shared with me several e-mail messages as her mother took shelter in a hotel and other places in Jerusalem. When they thought they could get a flight to America, they found they had to pay $3,000 before boarding, so they hid until a plane could bring them the 12 hour flight back to New York City Monday. After a short layover, they flew to Atlanta, Georgia, where, for the first time in many days, they could shower, sleep, and eat before flying to El Paso, Texas, which is about 40 miles from where she lives near her mother in New Mexico. Can you just imagine the terror, grief, and relief Christine and her friends have experienced? Christine and her four children were my next door neighbors almost 30 years ago.
The Prairie Pines Assisted Live Center “Trunk or Treat” is October 28 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. There will be costume prizes also besides treats. There is a 5K walk at 4:40 to 5:30 pm.
Welcome to Kit Carson Trinity Lutheran soup supper October 31 at 4:45 p.m.
Shalom, peace, my friends and readers.