About Town – September 7, 2020
“God is our refuge and strength.” Psalm 46: 1
Thank you to local graphic artist, Shelly Meyers, who has painted local store windows with county fair and back to school designs that makes one smile when they see them.
Happy 95th birthday, to dear Lil Penn, who is one of the finest oil and acrylic painters in Kiowa County. She raised five lovely daughters who are outstanding artists in their own favorite medias.
The Town of Eads employees Van Brown, Jessie Dienes, Paul Kelley, and Trent Rittgers painted white parking lines up and down Maine Street on the new black top, and double yellow lines down the center of the street.
Members of the Voss, Michael, and Stolzenberger families went to Gail’s granddaughter, Cally Rusher’s, wedding shower near Anton last week and, this Saturday, will go to her wedding.
The members of the Weisbrod Hospital Patient Family Advisory Council met last week. They were pleased to meet the new Patient Liaison, Ken Grant, who recently moved to Eads from Wyoming. His education and personality appear to be a great fit for this important job. The council decided to try a new project which is to encourage people from all around to send or drop off cards or notes to residents in Weisbrod because this time is so very lonely for them. There will be a drop off box near the front entrance so Mr. Grant can distribute them to the residents.
Eads senior citizens enjoyed a delicious brunch last week. They were glad to hear that the new center is nearing completion and people who have been on a walk through are pleased.
Polly Collins Johnson of Kit Carson celebrated her birthday last week. She resides in the Cheyenne Manor presently. I have always thought of her as the “Prairie Princess.” She is a jewel.
The three young men clerks, Sean, Bob, and Zachary, at HealthMart have been busy selling the whole shipment of pretty chocolate candies from Texas, which sold out in just a few days. So, Sean Kraft ordered a larger order. They are so tantalizing in that clear display case!
Thursday during Future Farmers of America class, the students and their teacher, Miss Konig, helped set up the livestock panels with the guidance of the Junior Livestock Committee and Extension Agent, Tearle Lessenden. The members will be bringing in their cattle, horses, goats, sheep, and poultry next week. The big climax of their work will come at the livestock sale at 9:30 a.m. Friday, September 13. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s support these wonderful young people who have worked hard and missed so many good happenings in their lives since March. Let’s make this spectacular for them - meaning shelling out extra dollars.
Two new members, Cindy McLoud and Bob Alfano, attended the Chamber of Commerce noon meeting last week. Cindy told about the type of items for sale in her Treasure Shop - antiques, vintage items and clothing, plus a number of homemade food items and items made by people in surrounding small towns. Her line of hand screened tee shirts that feature Towner, Haswell, eastern Colorado, and Sand Creek were of special interest. Bob shared about his small engine business, which he also had in Colorado Springs and Telluride. After he gets off work at the HealthMart, he often comes to his shop near the Co-op and NAPA businesses to find that people have left lawn mowers and other machines for him to fix. The chamber is looking forward to making future holiday plans depending on the public health rules at that time.
The Crow Luther Cultural Events Center board met last week. They are showing free western movies during fair week. The “Gather” presentation is about Native Americans and arranged by the Sand Creek National Park staff. If the marquee states “watch” or “watch party,” that means the movie is free.
I passed by the high school Thursday as the school was being dismissed when I saw students rushing out to their vehicles with their masks still on. Bless their hearts. I have, we have, such sympathy for our young people who can’t enjoy playing and watching football or volleyball. They can’t have dances, social events, and so many more activities that they used to enjoy. If people have ideas to involve the youth in fun activities that are permitted by the current COVID-19 public health orders, a good person to call would be Mrs. Mary Vasquez or the Student Council Officers at 719-438-2214.
On Kit Carson Day, we enjoyed the eating the barbeque, watching the parade, and hearing that Debbie Mitchek was named the “Scout of 2020.” She has been such a wonderful volunteer to the churches and school activities. Since four of the seniors, Faith Johnson, Cally Booker-Rady, Tierler Randel, and Jordyn Weeks, needed to leave in late morning to the softball game with Yuma at Burlington, they took their breakfast items to sell at the rodeo ground. The Melodrama was hilarious. It was kind of Director Tracey Weeks to stream some scenes from the Melodrama Wednesday night to show to residents at Cheyenne Manor.
A number of things have changed in regard to the Kiowa County fair. There are several days of rodeo competitions. There are some vendors, food at the 4-H concession stand, and the parade. Let’s go check out the animals. Enjoy the some of the eight rodeo events and the KVAY hamburger fry.