About Town
“Joy to the World, the Lord is come.” Issac Watts (1674-1748) hymn lyrics
The event that brought a huge number of family, relatives, and friends to the Eads school gym last Thursday evening was the annual Christmas Concert by students in the Pre-school to the fifth grade. This concert was directed by Mrs. Monica Uhland and assisted by the elementary teachers was a huge success. The Eagles’ Nest preschool singers were darling as usual. Except for the actors, the other students were dressed as penguins and waddled similar to penguins but sang with such gusto and delight. It was indeed so delightful. Afterwards it was interesting to read the names of the children. There are so many “new” names to the community and one can see that the grade school is growing in numbers. We already know that many young parents wish to bring their children up in a smaller town and where the school has an excellent reputation for its education by fine educators.
Before the concert, Principal Brian Bohlander stepped on the stage to greet the people and then made a major announcement about our grade school. He announced that, for the third year in a row, the Eads grade school had been one of two schools in the whole state that will be recognized by the Colorado Department of Education with an award for their performance in testing. The last two assemblies have been so impressive when the representatives came from the state office to recognize the students in the grades tested and award the school a large banner and money award for the school.
Another happy event last week was the annual firemen’s chili supper, and Santa came to town last Tuesday night. There was a big crowd who came out to the night. The Eads Chamber of Commerce helped Santa with his goodies and arranged the photographer, Marty Miller. Some of the businesses were opened such as the Kiowa HealthMart, which had drawings and a cookie bar. Also that evening was first of three days of trips for the “Border War” to Syracuse, Kansas, to the basketball tournament. It took place in one of two gyms. We fans who had to stay home really do appreciate the local businesses that pay for the games to be called on KLMR and KVAY. The names of the Eads Lady Eagle players are Kaylee Wilson, Kiya Leonard, Reagen Johnson, Crystal Watson, Rhealie Rittgers, Cynthia Watson, Lauren Spady, Morgyn Johnson, Ally Spady, Hadlie Rittgers, Kyra Sheridan, and Emily Gyurman. Their coaches are Trey Eder and Justin McLoud with managers Madison McDowell and Samantha Courkamp. Next week, I will list the boys’ team.
The lights about town seem more beautiful each year. It is worth your time and gas to drive up and down the streets of Eads to see some of the lovely lighting displays. We especially like Marlene and Bud Adamson’s home on Maine. Some others that come to mind are Allen and Ellen Lane’s home which their youngest son, Caleb, likes to decorate for the season; my neighbor, Will Rybacki, on Hickman Street and around the corner on 12th Street, Jeanie (Dawson) Whitmire‘s home is so lovely too. After the Cantata we like to drive around to see the homes, so we are looking forward to that evening.
Lill Penn has had a fall and is in a city hospital, but no doubt she will soon be back at her little nook where she paints her marvelous paintings. We do admire her positive outlook and smile that still beams as she is well into her 90’s.
Pastors Lane and Debbie Gooden conducted church services at the Weisbrod Extended Care Unit and then the next hour at the Prairie Pines last Sunday. I observed them with their parishners, Michelle Wyckoff, Lisa Trigilio, and Betty Kay Clark, as they shared singing, a devotion, and lively stories of former happy Christmas times. Some heartwarming stories were shared by Valeri Briggs and Delisa (Eikenberg) Weeks of their childhood memories at the Haswell Church and of their choir and Christmas time program. They used to practice at Rosemary Stoker’s home. In fact, they were thrilled that Rosemary played the piano Sunday morning from her wheelchair at the Extended Care Unit.
December 1, the Haswell community had their annual potluck supper and waited for Santa to come. The photos I have seen reveal a joyful time with outstanding family and children photos with Santa Claus.
Thursday night after the concert, Keith and Bobbi Uhland handed me a bulging bag of greeting cards that I like to receive. When I came home Friday, there on my porch was a beautiful striped box of greeting cards and a book with pockets for each month to store cards for your family and friends. I need this to remember the birthdays of my growing list of great and great great nieces and nephews. Later, I found out that my Towner friend, Lori Healy, who loves to send cards also had left this generous gift.
It is surely good to see that Phyllis Barlow is able walk to her neighbors and to go to community happenings. What a blessing to witness healing.
Next week, basketball sports fans can go to Lamar three days to the annual holiday tournament and could drive 27 miles to Wiley to watch our wrestlers Friday at 6:00 pm.
Remember, parents, to bring your little ones to the free movie matinee at the Plains Theatre at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, December 15.