About Town - May 13, 2019
“Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters.” Hebrews 13:1
The advisors of FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) and FFA (Future Farmers of America) joined forces last Thursday evening and had both their awards banquets on one night. What a great idea! Many students at Eads High School belong to both organizations. The students in FBLA with advisor, Shannon Ellenberger highlighted their year of many awards and accomplishments for the school and community. Four young ladies captured the top Colorado State Awards from Eads and will be flying to nationals. The team is Hadlie Rittgers, Emily Guyrman, and Kaylee Wilson. Individual Mollie Kelley also won a trip to the National FBLA convention. The FBLA officers who have led this outstanding Eads Chapter this year are: Emily Guyrman, Hadlie Rittgers, Lauren Spady, Lauren Brown, Kaylee Wilson and Mollie Kelley.
After the FBLA Awards program the gym full of students, parents, and well-wishers dined around navy blue table coverings for a bountiful roast beef, mashed potatoes, and many delicious side dishes. Most of the students were dressed in their FBLA attire then quickly changed into their navy blue FFA corduroy jackets and black slacks or skirts for another impressive awards ceremony. The officers graciously thanked the following men for their years of “work behind the scenes” to support the FFA program: Blaine Batterton, Larry Micheal, Bart Michael, Dustin Batterton, and Tearle Lessenden. They are now “Honorary FFA Members.” They received plaques as well as Jennifer Schofield and Rod and Pam Cole who were honored to be given the “Blue and Gold” Award Plaque. The Outstanding Freshman is Kyra Sheridan, Sophomore is Hatch Nelson, Junior: Kaycee Ellenberger, and Senior is Lauren Spady. The Leadership Award and the Star Chapter Farmer went to junior Jonah Scholfield. Blake Stoker, the President of the chapter won the Ag Mechanics Award. The coveted DeKalb award was won by senior, Brooklyn Jones. The two state officers, John Peroulis and Macaela Fenton, gave impressive speeches and presentations. Most of the 34 members were on the stage for the 130 guests to applaud. There were so many other wonderful awards that it really gives one hope for the future of the USA to see such wholesome fine students who can speak and work well.
At the Lamar Community College Graduation, Lakota Roberson received an Associate of General Studies Degree in Agriculture transfer program and Darin Back also of Eads received Certification in Welding. Both are from Eads. Congratulations to these students and also of Kit Carson, Paige Johnson, graduated Summa Cum Laude and Trevor Medford.
Wanda Lessenden organized for the Diamond Tour bus to take the West End Golden Age Seniors and other people that Wanda and Virgil contacted to travel with them to Texas. They went to San Antonio, Texas, Padre Island, the Gulf of Mexico and other historical places the last week of April.
The Eikenberg families have been shaken by the death of their dear mother and grandmother, Delores Eikenberg of Haswell. Her life revolved around her six children’s families lives and her community. For many years she was the esteemed “Haswell school cook.” She was a cheerful jolly lady to be with. Pastors Lane and Debbie Gooden emphasized the theme of “love” in scriptures and examples of Delores’ life. The West End Golden Age ladies and men served a meal afterwards.
Staff and people who visit in the Weisbrod Extended Care Unit dining room are enjoying a Best Friend Quilt this month. The design is mainly of sunflowers and rich green colors that were designed by Tracy Smith for her best friend, Jennifer Crow. They enjoy that feeling of having a sister in Eads.
Dear readers, please accept this next sentence as an invitation: We would like to encourage people to take time for an hour Thursday mornings at 9:00 a.m. to go the Weisbrod dining room and at 2:00 p.m. at the Prairie Pines dining room Fridays to go to visit the residents of both facilities who come out to drink the good beverages and enjoy the pastry treats for 30 to 60 minutes. They like to see people from the “outside” world.
I am sorry that I didn’t get to go hear the Sand Creek National Park presenter Thursday night. It was the same night as the FBLA and FFA banquet.
Readers, if you are a person who endures pain, I highly recommend Dr. Dennis Bartha, who is one of our outstanding physical therapists at Weisbrod. He is certified to administer a dry needle to your tight muscles. It is a tiny thin needle with NO medication. It seems miraculous in how quickly the pain goes away for months
At the Hebrew class last week, Deborah Gooden made, “Komaj,” a Persian bread stuffed with a filling of dates, nuts, and spices and “Cezerye,” a Turkish dessert (made of shredded cooked carrots in sugar and spices rolled in coconut. Liz made large vanilla (VNNYLVCE) layered cookies filled with dates and walnuts and star shaped cookies filled with raspberry jam and “Qamar Al-deen” an apricot pudding. She also served ruby red pomegranate juice. Tuesday is the last class since our teacher; Liz Hulteen needs to return to Missouri to help with a bed and breakfast enterprise.
Readers are invited to the Eads Baccalaureate May 19 at the Eads United Methodist Church at 6:30 p.m. with a reception following to honor the senior class.