About Town – April 22, 2024
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Hebrews 6: 19 N1V
One of the highlights of last week was the high school prom. It is a time of much planning and hoping among the students. For some students, they are likely to have many anxious moments about who will invite me or who should I invite? Or what if they say “No?” Then there is the cost and selection of the formal dresses and the young men’s attire.
Last Saturday, as I was returning to the Extended Care Unit, I heard a young man’s voice say, “Good-bye Grandma.” It was Payson Coen. He was so handsome in his black suit, cowboy hat, white shirt, sapphire blue vest, and tie to compliment his pretty date. Tayci was in a brocade sapphire blue long gown with her hair up in a stylish fashion, and wearing a pretty pink rose corsage to match the boutonniere that Payson was wearing. His grandmother is Vera (Fell) Hammons. Vera loves to watch all shows about cowboys and sports. We enjoy talks about Kit Carson folk because that is where she graduated from. She and Ethel Ferris and I have lots of friends in the Kit Carson community.
Next week I hope to tell you about the Eads prom if I get to go watch the Grand March in the Plains Theatre.
Eads High and Middle Schools are competing in area track meets weekly. I saw a good photo of one of the Eads track teams. These high school boys, Porter Spady, Keenan Smith, Brentley Lening, Stockton Mitchek, and Connor Lynch have won some top prizes.
Gail Voss worked for two days making homemade bread to roll out and cut to cover beef and cabbage filling for Bierocks for the Eads senior citizen luncheon last Wednesday. We really enjoyed the corn casseroles and side dishes that Gail, Tom Barton, Sylvia Weeks, and Nancy Walker served to us. The room was decorated with petty pastel colors and ceramic Easter bunnies. Please mark your calendars for the group Sage Meal May 2 after you call Areta Laird. The brunch will be May 2, and the noon dinner May 15 . Senior citizens are welcome to come to any meal. There is no charge, but we ask you to sign in, and if you can’t bring a side dish of food, you are welcome to leave a donation in the little wooden chest.
Denise Nelson sponsored her Future Business Leaders of America chapter to the state conference and competitions in Fort Collins at Colorado State University. I am so pleased when schools transport students and educators to sponsor students to these conferences or any college opportunity. It is a huge responsibility to care for and guard these precious students. I can remember that it can be a tense challenge sometimes, but it is valuable for the students to see other students, experience the city, and the world outside of their home town. I see photos by Ruth Fees in the Kiowa County Press that their high school students get field trips and or competitions about every month. Some of my happiest memories are of watching students reaction to sights they saw or were experiencing. Do pray for teacher sponsors everywhere, and bus drivers, too! I told Tim Weeks last week at the senior dinner, “thank you, for driving buses all those years” - and he still is in 2024. That jolly tall man told me that he was driving in 1983 when his son was born. I can’t remember if he returned from the state basketball tournament in time for his birth or not. The names of the young men and women who went to Fort Collins are Brentley Lening, Colin Nelson, Johnny Vasquez, Spencer Uhland, Eric Murdock, Stockton Mitchek, Case Nelson, Connor Lynch, Shaine Winder, Alyxx Egley, Jasyon Bletzacker, Kaiden Dunlap, Ayden Hough, Brazen Wollert, Landri Tuttle, Anna Wollert, Katie Johnson, Kara Wilson, Lexi Shotton, Madison McDowell, Breanna Lawerence-Wilson, Tailee Weeks-Johnson, Kennedy Guyrman, and Alessandra Paez.
It is so exciting that the Eads Middle School boys get the chance to play baseball. I don’t remember that happening before. The photos that Andrea (Brown) Buller took at one of the games are so outstanding. Last year, they appeared to be little boys. This year, they are hardworking young men.
Justin Lenox is a busy man as a teacher, coach, and class sponsor at school. I see his photo or name in many places. In addition to being the Future Farmers of America teacher, he also manages the FFA Farm, coaches the middle school baseball team, and is assistant coach for the high school baseball team. I understand that besides organizing the Kiowa County Demolition Derby, he also organizes two other derbies in the state. Plus, he has two young children and a pretty wife, Kaylee.
We are pleased that girls from Eads and Wiley will make up the core of the Southeastern Colorado Angels in the fall of 2024.
Hospital Week is May 13-17, with lots of activities and barbecue Friday at Weisbrod Hospital.