PROMO 660 x 440 People - Doris Lessenden

About Town – August 19, 2024

Doris Lessenden

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12

The highlight for many people last week was attending Mary Marble’s 100th birthday party, and it was big! Last year, she told me, “I don’t need a party for my 100th birthday.” I told Mary, “It would be good to let others celebrate her.” The large dining room at Prairie Pines Assisted Living Community was packed with friends and relatives even an hour before party time. I heard the director, Tristen Sheridan, and her employees were so busy serving guests that they were tired at the end. I could see that as Tristan directed her servers. Some of whom I recognized were Tally Hansen, Charlotte Gunning, Stacy Wing, and Kyra Sheridan. The employees had arranged a lovely setting for Mary to greet the guests and well-wishers who came to greet her. She was wearing a glittering, jeweled crown and dressed in purple. Many of her guests wore purple, too, which is Mary’s favorite color. Huge gold numeral balloons were on the east wall, surrounded in lots of lavender and purple balloons. Mary’s children, Alta Joann McBee and (Hobbie) Joe Marble, provided the birthday cake and gave money to Tristen for decorations, ice cream, tableware, and other needs. Who else do we know in Kiowa County that is 100 years old besides Orville Mousel, who is 102 years old? Here are some of families I remember attending: Shallberg, Watts, Richardson, Mayo, Miller, Baxter, Davis, Brown. Berry. Seibel, Ferris, Crow. Bowen, Glover, McCain, Glover, Laird, Igou, Enright, Kelley, Wilson, Ellicott, Frazee, Lessenden, Patterson, Blooding, Richards, Reedy, Barlow, Gereke, Lening, Mays, White, Voss, Benner, Gooden, Weber, Harris, Engelhardt ,and many other folks I didn’t know. Karen (Howe) Marble was so happy that she could see three of her teachers there: Robert Woods, Bill Woelk, and Doris Lessenden.

The Eads Community Church members will be delivering the community calendars soon. The cost is $6 because the printing cost has gone up for several years.

Betty Kay Clark mentioned during Monday’s coffee hour at the Eads Senior Citizen Center last week that several ladies had returned to morning swimming in the Prairie Pines pool last week.

Many Denver Bronco football fans were very happy last week to watch the Broncos win over the Colts.

Many hearts are heavy because our friend, Andy McCracken, passed away. He has been able to spend more time with his family and friends after his long struggle with cancer. One friend who visited said that Andy told him he was “right with the Lord and was looking forward to heaven.” Andy’s services were Saturday at the Kiowa County Community Building on the fairgrounds.

Bob Coates of Wiley visited his daughter, Gwen Cook, in the Weisbrod Extended Care Unit over the last two weeks. He is 94, and so very interesting to visit with. When my friend, Gail Voss, came to visit me, Bob and Gail had a great visit because he had done a lot of gas buying business at her father, Lloyd Voss’, station, as well as when she and Larry ran the gas station.

It is so nice to see the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site Manager, Bill Fields, out and about in the community. He welcomes visitors to the visitor center, and also to the new museum display upstairs at the office on Maine Street in Eads.

Bill and Linda Trosper came recently to change the quilt on the display rack to one of Glenda Stoker’s collection. This month, it is a small quilt with the “sunbonnet girl” that brings back sweet memories to many of us. We always enjoy seeing this delightful couple.

I am so pleased to have my hard back cover copy of Chuck and Mike Bowen’s book that he sent to me. The book has many photos of the hundreds of historical artifacts that Chuck and his wife, Sheri, found on the prairie and in the creek bed. Chuck seeks to verify the actual site of the Sand Creek Massacre in 1864. I was so surprised to read that his fourth grade teacher at Eads was my teacher also. This dear and lovely lady inspired both of us to have an interest in archeology. Later, after I had polio, I had to write a research paper on what career I wanted to pursue. At that time, I was walking with heavy metal-leather braces and maneuvering on tall wooden crutches. So, I had to be realistic, and changed my career direction. I am thrilled to know that my former student, Chuck, carried on with his childhood dream to inform us.

Barbara Uhland posted some lovely photos of many of her family members at the wedding of her grandson, Rhett Uhland, down in Amarillo, Texas. Rhett and Nicole had such a beautiful setting for their outdoor wedding, elaborate reception, and dance under a white tent structure.

Congratulations to Roger and Lorraine Saffer, who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. They were our neighbors across the street.

Bre Shotton showed night photos of a huge prairie fire west of their home, south of Galatea. We do thank all the volunteer firefighters who fight those frightening fires to protect us and our homes and town!

The Eads Chamber of Commerce met to make plans for the county fair free breakfasts. We surely do need some volunteers to replace some who are unable to help this year. Call Brandon Hoffman or stop by the 911 Shop at 307 E. 15th Street in Eads.