About Town – January 27, 2025
“Everyone should be quick to listen. Slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” James 1:19
Greetings from sunny Eads, Colorado! This morning the sky is clear blue and it is 29 degrees, yet it is so sunny outside! It is 79 degrees at 9:00 a.m. in the sunny south dining room where 97-year-old Bob Miller was resting. However most of us here on the Southeastern Plains of Colorado are just so grateful that we do not live on the coasts of Florida where the palm trees are waving over 7” of SNOW! What a shock! Also, we are grateful that we are not enduring fires like the ones that are devastating the lives of so many people along the coast of California. However, we do have many dry lands so we need to use continue to care for our fellow citizens and land,
Last week, area newspapers printed sports scores and stories of numerous high school games and matches. Sports writers listed Eads co-eds Giana Gibbs and Lily Hollis as winners in a wrestling tournament. They are coached by Brenden Reifenschneider, who is a college student and employed by Weisbrod Health. Middle schools in the area have been traveling to basketball tournaments in Cheyenne Wells and McClave. The Eads boys who are wrestling with the Wiley Panther co-op team that were in the spotlight are senior Spencer Uhland and Jaden Self.
Men and women from around Haswell enjoyed a potluck supper last week for their monthly get-together. Often there are some friends from Eads who go over to enjoy the fellowship with family and friends. If one ever has time to go to any events over at Haswell and needs information, they could call Pam Lessenden for details.
I have been observing people for many years. Sometimes we see people who are so kind and compassionate that they never seek recognition for their quiet kind service to others. The ones I particularly admire are the people who care for, visit often, and love or tolerate their parents or relatives in Weisbrod Health or Prairie Pines. Here is a list of people who I see visiting, shopping for, or quietly sitting with a parent or person they love or care for: Darwin Nelson, Shelby Weeks, Ronda and Randy Bohlander, Connie Richardson, Dawn Rae (Pfingston) Watts, Talara Hammons Coen, Marty Miller, Areta Blooding Laird, Liz Hulteen, Sarah (Seibel) Ferris, Gail Voss, Mark and Julie Kelley, John Negely, and Bev Lyon. Tears of gratefulness come to my eyes when I think of these dear people!
The television coverage of the day’s festivies for the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as president was closely watched by numerous Americans last Monday from early morning till late at night. It was good, educational, with moment’s of patriotic emotions and gratefulness to my great grandparents who immigrated to America from England and Austria.
Congratulations and a huge thank you to County Commissioners Mike Lening, District 1, and Donald Oswald, District 3, who were re-elected and sworn into office recently. They serve with Butch Robinson of District 2. They were sworn in by our new county judge, Pamela Johnston, who lives on a ranch northwest of Arlington. Pam was formerly a college professor back east and in Arizona before becoming the wife of Kent Johnston. We see Pam a lot at gatherings over at the west end of the county. I asked Roland Sorensen from the Kiowa County Clerk’s Office why other county elected officials had not been sworn in. He replied that they are still serving their current term. Those fine elected officials are Delisa (Eikenberg) Weeks, County Clerk and Recorder; Marci (Woods) Miller County Assessor; and Diana (Pearcey) Flory County Treasurer. We do appreciate these ladies. They are the hospitable trio who also serve coffee and hot chocolate at the Kiowa County Fair breakfasts.


This is the time of the year to join organizations and clubs for the new year. You are invited to join the Eads Chamber of Commerce. The meetings are the first Wednesday of the month and held at noon at JJ’s Restaurant’s south dining room. We self-pay for our lunches, and confer as we eat and meet. Some of the traditional projects the Chamber hosts include the county fair breakfasts, the Kid’s Fishing Day in May, Christmas drawings, graduate scholarships, and many educational events. A person or business could send their dues to P.O. Box 163, Eads, 81036. The individual dues are $30. A small business is $50, and $125 for a large business.
Merle and Carole Shalberg of Sheridan Lake did such a kind deed. They had bought a number of Guide Posts Christmas edition magazines for Christmas gifts. These packages were wrapped with pretty bows too. The large print magazines have attractive photos and numerous short stories. Since they forgot to give them to whomever as they first intended, they asked two other ladies with more time on their hands to read and enjoy them. What a treasure they are. Thank you, Merle and Carol Shalberg, for your generosity.
We were disappointed last Wednesday that our adopted grandchildren of the Eads third grade could not spend some time with us. They are definitely the highlight of our whole month when they and their wonderful teacher, Charlene Gifford, come to visit us.